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Being part of a team

Being part of a team


Education is one of the most important elements of a person's life. It is the academics of a person that jump-starts the professional life of a person and for the first few years in the professional life, it is the academic profile of the person that sets the benchmark for appraisal and recognition. Considering this thought, I decided to pursue a master's degree in global business from the prestigious Global Business University of London. A lot of valuable lessons were taught to me at that university, including lessons on personal growth, development, personality building, situation analysis and strategic planning that is important for a person working and performing in a professional setup. However, the most important lesson that I learnt from my time at the university is that, working in a professional environment calls for much more than just the personal dedication and input of one person. It demands for extensive teamwork and capabilities to work and perform in a team. Businesses are now expanding their horizons from local businesses to multinational conglomerates where boundaries are eliminated and the entire world becomes one global market.

Personal Statement

During my time on campus, I was made to participate in various different projects on different subjects and themes. One thing that was common in all of these projects and activities was that the instructors usually divided us into teams and these teams were then made to perform group based activities and tasks. Working as a team requires a lot more than just performing on your own or making sure that your role in the team is up to the mark. You have to make sure than the entire team is performing as required and it is the collaborative effort of the entire team that ensures maximum output ...
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