Reflecting On Wrtg 101 Experiences

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Reflecting on WRTG 101 Experiences

Reflecting on WRTG 101 Experiences


As the computer has made people's life a lot easier as they can now do multiple tasks in faster and better way. The same thing WRTG 101 has done for me. In one way or the other, this course practically brought me from the Stone Era to the 21st century. Having to explain an idea in written words concisely and clearly in a manner that a reader could understand and follow my thoughts has always been a struggle for me. I have never been that good when it came to my writing skills and capabilities; it was not even good to look at my writing. WRTG 101 has brought me up to a level higher than I thought it could have. I began WRTG 101 with limited skills of professional writing but after completing and taking all the lessons throughout the course now I am confident for any future writing attempt I might face whether in studies or in my career. WRTG 101 has helped me a lot in becoming a genuine writer.


The biggest improvement which I have noticed throughout this course is the capability to write a strong introduction of an essay with an appealing catch to it, with a good statement of thesis as well. When I was assigned with the first assignment I just did not know from where to start. I felt there are too many topics to pick from that I have come across all through my life and it was difficult to specify the choices I felt like I was able to write on. I was not sure about the topic that I selected would be strong enough to write a thesis statement, and to proceed that into an essay worth writing for the class. ...