Reducing Caries Experience In Children 6-7 Year Of Age In North Miami Beach Public School By Applying School Based Sealant Program Recommended By Cdc

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Reducing Caries Experience in Children 6-7 Year of Age in North Miami Beach Public School by Applying School Based Sealant Program Recommended By CDC

Executive Summary

This assignment is based on reducing caries experience in children 6-7 year of age in North Miami Beach Public School by applying school based sealant program recommended by CDC. In the United States, dental caries is the most common chronic illness in children, occurring five to eight times as frequently as asthma. Dental caries is an unmet health need, disproportionately affecting minority groups and individuals with low socioeconomic status. School-Based Sealant Programs (SBSPs) target children at risk of developing dental caries. Most of these programs children sealants programs are based on low-income families as indicator of poverty level. It is clear that SBSPs can help to improve access to preventive services to low income families. U.S. children from low-income families have 50% more caries on their permanent teeth than do children from higher income families. American children lose over 51 million school hours annually because of dental related problems and dental visits, and children from low-income families are almost 50% less likely to have sealants than their higher income counterparts.

Executive Summary2

Description of the Public Health Problem and the Community4

Prevention/Intervention Strategies/Priority Setting4

Goal and Specific Objectives5

Conceptual Framework/Logic Model6

Program Description8

Program Implementation9

Community Support10

Budget and Budget Narrative11




Reducing Caries Experience in Children 6-7 Year of Age in North Miami Beach Public School by Applying School Based Sealant Program Recommended By CDC

Description of the Public Health Problem and the Community

Dental caries is commonly known as cavities or dental decay, it is the number one chronic disease in childhood, occurring five to eight times more frequently than the second most common problem, asthma. Oral health can be defined as good status and well-being of the oral tissues. Oral tissues are not limited to teeth, but include soft tissues like gums or periodontal tissues, tongue and cheeks. Dental pain and poor oral health conditions directly affect the overall health of an individual's potential performance at North Miami Beach Public School. Beliefs and attitudes of people towards dental health have both a direct and indirect influence on caries susceptibility. People with favorable beliefs related to oral health may be more likely to seek preventive and curative care. Preventive reduce caries susceptibility care and prompt treatment would reduce the severity of caries. Researchers have found that people who had stable and supportive of the effectiveness of water fluoridation dental beliefs keep the mouth clean. It can help maintain optimal dental tissue development and improvement of the resistance of tooth enamel against the action of the acid throughout the life of a tooth. Children dental diseases are preventable, but it is an epidemic. Nurses, teachers and school administrators can attest that this epidemic is silent (Mueller, 1983).

Prevention/Intervention Strategies/Priority Setting

Globally, the prevalence of dental caries among children is a health burden for every nation. The World Health Organization (WHO) considers dental caries as a serious public health problem around the world affecting mostly underserved and poor ...