Redemption Rituals In Therapy

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Redemption Rituals in Therapy

Redemption Rituals in Therapy


Correctional facilities and centers of rehabilitation have been established over the passage of time. In the times of today, primitive and modern criminal activities and the corresponding crimes that have been intended and described over the passage of time, it becomes evident that companies and organizations have been invested into creating and establishing the necessary results and outcome which would then make way for progress and development over the passage of time.

For this paper, our focus and concentration revolves around the teaching of the redemption rituals, located and discussed in the book “Making Good” by Shadd Maruna and Hans Toch. The book narrates and describes the teachings that have been intended and described.

The book not only provides for the development and the recovery of patients and the people that have convicted of crimes, but are serving their time in solitary confinement, prisons and jails, which would not only provide for the development and the establishment of a strong and constructive outcome, but also makes way for progress.

Correctional Facilities: Impact and Influence

Correctional facilities and institutions not only made way for the development and the establishment of the necessary results and outcomes, but that they are able to provide for rendering admonishing services to offenders, the guilty and prisoners that make way for being convicted of their criminal acts and displays of societal destruction (Maruna & King, 2009).

The basic role with which correctional facilities have been designed and installed in our systems not only provides for and makes way for treating individuals and patients that made way for the creation and the establishment for correcting individuals that have been convicted with regards to the decaying, demeaning acts of social distress.

While the efforts and strategies that have been intended and described over the passage of time, it becomes evident that these correctional facilities not only provide for resolving the problems that these convicts tend to be consumed with and also for them to continue rectifying themselves, in order to be accepted and made way for the necessary results and outcomes, over the passage of time (Maruna, 2007).

In order to understand and comprehend the changes and the challenges that have been felt and experienced, it becomes evident that prisoners and those that have been admitted to these jails have two extreme results and outcomes anticipated and expected out of them.

One end is associated and related to the phenomenon that people tend to change and transform themselves into creating better individuals out of themselves and also render their services and duties wisely, in order to avoid any future mistakes that were committed previously.

However, the opposing reality that may rise during the tenure served in a correctional facility is that the prisoners and those that have been admitted to the correctional institution not only tend to resist the treatments and the programs which would otherwise make them a better individual (Petrunik, 2002).

Also, to add further, in case of a chronic condition or a situation, they are then ...