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Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in developing countries


Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in developing countries (REDD)


REDD is a climate change improvement system that would reimburse developing countries in order to help them in preserving their forests. Due to the considerable emissions caused by the deforestation and forest degradation especially in the developing countries, organizations in the developing countries have started taking interest in slowing down the pace of deforestation and forest degradation. Thus it is called reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation in developing countries (REDD). (Myers 2007)

In order to reduce the emission from the deforestation, incentives can be provided to people responsible for it, such as agricultural subsidies. As well as, certain actions can be taken such as creating reserves or parks which may help in slowing the process of emissions from deforestation.

Benefits of REDD

The worldwide effort of reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation will result in many benefits. These are called 'ecosystem-based benefits'. They comprise of forest biodiversity conservation, soil conservation, water regulation, timber, forest foods and other related products. REDD also has direct social benefits, such as jobs, livings, land occupancy clarification. It would provide income and other benefits. REDD is mainly applied in natural forests and refers to emissions that are released into the atmosphere to prevent a deforested or degraded forest. (Varghese 2009) It is not simply a compensation for a forest. Furthermore, it can be a tool for poverty alleviation, since forests can be an important source of income, employment and livelihood for people living in poverty in rural areas since that forest resources directly contribute to the livelihoods of 1200 million people living in disadvantaged socioeconomic and indirectly promote the environment where it is carried out agricultural production for almost half the population of the developing world ...
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