Recycling Process Analysis

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Recycling Process Analysis


Recycling is a chemical or mechanical process where a used substance or product is submitted to a cycle of total or partial treatment to obtain a new raw material or product. It is usually a product of from waste introduced to a life cycle. In this process, industrial waste or household become commodities. Recycling possess actions to reduce the production of objects that could become waste. It consists of those actions which allow a re-use of a product to give a second life, with the same or different use. It includes all those operations of waste collection and treatment that allow reintroduction in a life cycle. It has been proven one of the best ways to reuse the waste materials. Recycle materials include glass, metal, paper, textile, plastic and electronics. Recycling has two major ecological consequences:

Reduction in waste volume, and therefore pollution caused by them (some materials take decades, even centuries, to break down).

Preservation of natural resources, since the recycled material is used in place of that which should have been extracted

This is an economic activity of the consumer society. Some methods are simple and cheap but, conversely, others are complex, costly and wasteful. In this area, the objectives of ecology and consumers come together but sometimes diverge, it is then the legislature intervenes. Thus, particularly since the year 1970, recycling is an important activity of the economy and living conditions of developed countries. Recycling is part of the waste treatment strategy known as the three R's: that is to say (Young, pp. 78);

Reduce, includes actions at the production level to reduce the tonnage of objects (e.g. packaging) likely to end up as waste.

Reuse, includes actions to reuse a used product to give it a second life to use the same or different.

Recycle, means all the operations of collecting and treating waste to reintroduce a cycle manufacturing materials that constituted the waste.

Impact of recycling industry

Sourcing alternative

Waste recycling provides a source of raw materials alternative to other sources. For example, recycling of copper wire provides copper to recyclers and non-extraction companies.  There is also the internal recycling that allows setting up short of recycling. Thus, the aluminum smelters who machine parts generate a volume of chips so (10% of the weight of multiple sources of supply such as ease of negotiating the purchase price or the availability of supplies.

Creation of activities

Recycling is an economic activity in its own right. It is the means of wealth ...
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