Recruitment Plan

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New Recruitment Plan


Executive Summary1


Review of Current Strategy3



Suggestions for the Need of Change4

Talent Management Program5

Definition of Talent Management5

Advantages of Talent Management Program5

Disadvantages of Talent Management Program5

Review of Talent Management Program6

Movement Strategy7

Summary and Recoomendations8


Executive Summary

In this report we have analyzed the need of new plan of recruitment for the organization. We have analyzed several reasons of why the organization must shift to the new plan of recruitment. The challenges that the organization is facing fro the process of recruiting the capable candidates have also been presented in this report. In this report, we have not actually presented a proper plan of the recruitment process instead we have described a strategy that the organization must adopt for the purpose of organizational development, as the mission and values of the organization is greatly dependant on the human resource. When our organization will once recruit the capable candidates by making use of the presented strategy, the organization will automatically start leading towards the success. The distinctive challenges of our organization have pleaded the need of a new recruitment plan. In our organization the past the past strategy of recruitment had been derived from previous actualities and that strategy of recruitment is no longer applicable in our organization because with time, the need of hiring talent individuals in a proper way has been changed. All what is needed currently is the new plan of recruitment that must drives out new realities. This effort will be aligned at regional country and global level for the purpose of deriving maximum advantage for the organization. This will especially applicable in the condition of organization's promotion by improving the visibility of the plan at different fairs of careers and in some other activities.


The purpose of writing this report is to analyze the current strategy of the recruitment and some of the drawbacks of the current recruitment plan. The aim of writing this report is to propose a new strategic plan for recruitment. The recruitment process has become the main challenging function of human resources across all the organizations today. In our organization, the challenges for this function are enormous. The question that we will discuss in this report is that why it has become so difficult for our organization to draw the attention of capable candidates towards the organization, I think there are three major reasons for it, the first reason is that the organizational activity all around the globe is record high, that has created number of jobs and hence shrunk the individual's availability. The second reason is that our organization has been experiencing crucial times in the previous years due to the reason of perception of public and cyclicality. The third reason according to what I believe is that from all the available human resource in our organization, many of them are reaching their age of retirement and the generation that is young is not in suffice numbers to come to our organization and are not capable enough to apply for our organization to fill the ...
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