Recruitment And Selection

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Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and Selection

|Human Resource Management

Human resources management (HRM) is a term that encapsulates the approach and process of managing people who work for an organization. This work can be either paid or undertaken in a voluntary capacity. HRM frames all people-related matters within an organization, including planning for new appointments, recruitment and selection, induction, performance management, reward and incentive structures, training and development, and when and how to let people go. Effective HRM is a vital component in the operation and success of any sport organization. Typically only larger organizations, those with more than 100 employees or volunteers, will have a specific human resources staff member or functional area. Therefore, the direct line manager will be responsible for the functions of HRM. While many HRM principles and practices are relatively generic across industry sectors, sport organizations possess many unique characteristics, notably in aspects of governance, performance measures, incentive structures, public and media scrutiny, and reliance on volunteers (Adams & Bessant, 2006, pp. 21-47).

The data collected is used to forecast human resource requirements. The workforce analysis of internal supply can be conducted using a skills inventory to profile current employees and volunteers to calculate numbers of new recruitments and departures. This might involve calculations such as the application of an average turnover ratio to the existing workforce, together with projections of departure using the average retirement age. An external analysis would take into account the general workforce demographics. If demand and supply are not aligned, an HR plan would then articulate a strategy to address the situation (Bailey, 1995, pp. 635-660).

The planning process involves systematic job analysis and documentation of the tasks necessary to perform a job. Job descriptions are then used to list the tasks, or functions, and responsibilities of a position, which include reporting relationships and specifications such as the qualifications required. There should be a job description for not only for each employee but also for every substantive volunteer position within the organization.

Research Objective

The main goal of the study is to look into the concept of workforce recruitment and selection and explore its application in organization. The study attempts to achieve the following objectives:

To determine the significance of the recruitment and selection for the business organizations in the current decade,

To look into the management of recruitment and selection in the organization in particular,

To identify the contributions and benefits of carrying out the Best Practices of workforce in organization and,

Analyze the challenges and practical implications of the diversity management at the company in order to understand the scope of diversity.

Research Question

Specifically the dissertation aims to answer the following queries:

What does the concept of recruitment and selection refer to and what is its significance for organizations in the current decade?

Why is it important for an organization to manage its diverse workforce and dedicate all its resources in order to keep its human resource base motivated?

What role does the effective recruitment and selection play in terms of its contributions towards the organizations and what challenges ...
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