Recruitment And Selection

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Recruitment and Selection: Ethical and Legal Principles

Recruitment and Selection: Ethical and Legal Principles


The selection process consists of a series of specific steps that are used to decide which applicants should be hired. The process begins at the time a person applies for a job and ends when it produces the decision to hire an applicant (Bartlett, Preston, 2000, 199-209). In many departments' staff; integrates the functions of recruitment and selection in a single function that can be called recruitment. In the personnel departments of large dimensions is assigned the role of hiring a manager specific (Dye, 1995, 91-97). In the smaller, the department manager performs this task. The hiring function is associated with the personnel department, but also the selection process is important radical in human resource management. Therefore, proper selection is essential in the management of staff and even the success of the organization (Edenborough, 2005, 66-72).

The process of recruitment is to assess whether the candidates running have the skills necessary to effectively perform the position to occupy. In this process, predicts the future behaviour of new employees within the organization. The selection is part of the staffing process that comes after the recruitment (Feldman, 2002, 51-59). The selection is an activity of comparison or confrontation, choice, choice and decision, input filter, and therefore classification is restrictive. The selection of candidates recruited chooses the most suitable for the posts existing in the company, trying to maintain or increase the efficiency and performance staff and the effectiveness of the organization (Greenhaus, 2000, 109-118). Roberts (2005) considers that the selection of staff, should take a picture which allows us to situate the action in the social sphere recognizing the potential of the other and from the inclusion of all in equal employment opportunities.

The search and selection of staff and ethical process should include the assessment of honesty of the candidates seeking a position in the organizations, these in turn must evaluate the honesty of the professionals in charge of this process there a balance between the applicant and ethical coach (Hatcher, 2002, 113-117). Organizations must limit its power and help the construction of society (Joiner, Payne, 2002, 297-311). Roberts (2005) says that this is inviting companies and individuals responsible for recruitment to take responsibility for their actions, the consequences of their decisions and actions in society and be aware that as authors of the same can support the building of democracy and its ideals of participation, tolerance , respect for others, cooperation and coexistence are invited to view each person as an end in itself, to be treated as a person, valid interlocutor and not as a mere means, and to be taken into account in the construction of ethics.

Discussion and Analysis

As mentioned by Herriot (1989) "Not everyone is equally unethical behaviour illegal, but in the exercise of the profession, any unlawful conduct is in itself unethical." In this ethical and legal dilemma is perceived a conflict , because if the organization to fulfil its purposes, leaves the ...
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