Recruitment And Selection

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Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and Selection

Target rich sources of candidates and implement innovative recruiting techniques to successfully court highly qualified individuals. In the knowledge economy, people, not products, distinguish a company from its competitors. The highly competitive labor market increases each employee's importance. In these conditions, innovative recruiting techniques set winning companies apart from their competition. Does your company have the recruiting savvy to be a winner in today's market? This report will help make sure you do.

Best Practices, LLC undertook this benchmarking project focusing on recruitment and selection to help companies create world-class recruiting systems by sharing their own experiences. Your recruiting team can identify, attract and hire outstanding candidates by understanding and adapting the effective and innovative practices that top companies are already using. Leading companies seek a deeper understanding of how to best manage their recruitment and selection processes to meet short-term hiring goals as well as long-term strategic goals.

The insights and best practices showcased in this report are distilled from lessons learned interviews with executives who have extensive experience in designing, implementing and managing recruitment and selection systems. This combined body of knowledge concerning recruitment excellence is far greater than what any single company in the benchmark class has currently implemented. Consequently, these insights provide a valuable operational compass to guide corporate efforts to create a best-in-class recruitment system. (Kyle , 2006, 1: 177-199)

Manage and measure recruitment & selection as an ongoing core process to foster continuous improvement. Top companies believe recruitment is a value-added process that is critical to the company's future growth. These companies make recruitment a year-round priority and develop systems that ensure that candidates are smoothly identified, and screened, receive offers targeted for success, and measure for continuous improvement. Among the key components of managing recruitment and selection as an ongoing core process are designing an automated front end to screen candidates, accurate corporate forecasting of recruitment needs, tracking key recruitment measures, and implementing strategies to deal with advancements and trends in the recruitment process. (Kyle , 2006, 1: 177-199)

Identify and target multiple, rich sources of candidates and actively market to them. Many companies note that proactive targeting of candidate sources leads to a richer pool of applicants and enables companies to reach better candidates faster. Traditional corporate recruiting has stressed standard recruiting sources: on-campus recruiting, use of headhunters, and massive executive search processes. While each of these sources still plays a key role in the recruitment process, less traditional sources, most notably the Internet, now play enormous parts. Marketing to each source is an increasingly important facet of the recruitment process. Among the other sources that have been identified as important are: sourcing key candidates away from other companies, the importance of Internet marketing (both through corporate websites and through online searches such as and, sources designed to appeal to flextime candidates, and employee referral programs. Key practices for recruiting internal candidates and increasing the diversity of the candidate pool have were also ...
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