Reconstruction - The Silver Lining

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Reconstruction - The Silver Lining

Reconstruction - The Silver Lining

Reconstruction, as by name is nothing but the attempt to rebuild and incorporate the reforms in the South so that they can economically, politically and socially enjoy the benefits after the inglorious civil war. Another function of it was to revive and renew the race relationship in the United States of America. This assignment would cover the aspects of the failure of Reconstruction in the South along with the various hurdles which black politician has to face while taking part in politics.

Reconstruction was not only a political controversy rather it has roots in the perception of slavery and the incorporation of Civil War. All these were the proponent for the need of Reconstruction. In 1861, southern secession liberated the Republican from the ultimate pressure of preserving the union. The Abraham Lincoln regime has facilitated a fabulous deal of initiatives against the slavery by undermining the racial laws, announced the held secessionist as free, recruited a huge amount of Afro-American to be a part of the army of the great nation, and finally passed the thirteen amendment for putting an end to the Afro-American slavery in general and slavery as whole.

The problem was with the attitudes of the white northerners who were backed by the white Southerners and did not realize why civil war was fought and the purpose of it. The white southerners believed that the blacks in an American society do not have any significant role as far as politics and political debates are concerned. Moreover, they did not want to have their opinions get some air and travel to other parts of the nation where blacks are present. Hence, after the fierce assassination of President Lincoln, even the southerners who had hatefulness for the northerners realized that they had lost a good friend. By the death of president, Andrew Johnson, former vice president of US become the president of United states. He was quite loyal to the north and white southerners and above all, a popular figure of the Civil War.

Afterwards, Johnson's administration has issued the “Black Codes” For the African American and ruled out the previous Reconstruction. He denied the rights of black Americans for purchasing or leasing their real estate. Apart from that they were also rejected to serve as jury against the whites in local, as well as national courts. They were also deprived of the ...