Reclassification Of Drugs

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Reclassification of drugs

Reclassification of drugs

The negative connotations that surround the issue of drug use have been perpetuated by the media and have created a very unhealthy societal fear of drugs. Improper drug use is dangerous, not the chemical compound itself. A major factor in one s drug experience is the users personality. A person with psychological problems who takes LSD will most likely have those problems magnified when under the influence of the drug. However, psychologically healthy people who are knowledgeable and prepared for the experience rarely report negative experiences when on the drug (Jenkins 168-170). The fact that each individual has a different personality makes it difficult to determine what constitutes safe drug usage. Some drugs that are currently illegal may offer benefits to many individuals, but their illegal classification makes it difficult for researchers to explore these possible benefits. The notion that all illegal drugs are unhealthy and offer no benefit to society is a very inaccurate impression. This sense of all-ness has prevented the healthy scientific experimentation and therapeutic use of one chemical that could help numerous people.

The chemical methylene-dioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA) was originally developed by the United States Army during the 1950 s to be used as a truth serum (Cloud and Ratnesar 4). When ingested, the chemical often creates a euphoric feeling that promotes openness and trust. Because of these attributes, it was picked up by the psychological treatment community to be used as a tool to help patients regress and analyze past experiences. People often block out painful and traumatic memories. Victims of sexual abuse or violent crime often exhibit this process, also known as repression. The artificial openness and trust that MDMA facilitates can create an environment in which the patient feels safe enough to remember these traumas. One therapist relates his treatment use by reporting, MDMA allows you to be totally in control, while getting a really good look at yourself it does away with the fear barrier, the fear people have of seeing what s going on inside them This process is very beneficial to people in therapy because the remembering and acknowledging of repressed memories is a very important step in psychological recovery. He also calls MDMA penicillin for the soul, a much more friendly term than designer drug (Jenkins 87).

The reputation of MDMA was damaged in the 1980 s, as it s clandestine recreational use escalated. It was labelled Ecstasy and became very popular due to the euphoric feeling it provided users. It promptly became very prevalent in the dance club and party scene. One attribute of MDMA is that it provides a sustained energy, which was quickly noticed by participants in all-night rave dance parties. One user describes the effects of recreational MDMA use. I gradually relaxed and knew I was a part of it all. There was no need to be self-conscious (the people at the party) were celebrating their freedom from the constraints and neuroses of society (Saunders Ch 2). Many users describe their experiences with ...
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