Rebuild Your Life Through Effective Communication

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Rebuild Your Life through Effective Communication

Rebuild Your Life through Effective Communication


“Communication involves a receiver and a sender for conveying information through any channel” - Communication theory (Miller, 2002).

The purpose of this assignment is to develop an activity titled as “Rebuild Your Life through Effective Communication”. Before describing the activity it is important to understand why there is a need of learning and development activities within workplace. Learning and development is an essential field in any organization or institution which is aimed to increase the performance of the staff in workplace (Harrison, 2005). Today, organizations value development of their employees and understand their success depends upon quality human resource. Many workers in any organization fail to show their best performances due to some weaknesses. It is that organizations responsibility to figure out that weaknesses and develop his or her skills to recover. A well prepared learning program can enhance every employee's skill at the same time promoting all of them to a higher level. It also ensures that every person in the organization has sufficient skill and the company don`t has to rely on a single person to carryout that job. A well developed worker feels confident when carrying out a specific job and feels responsible while performing. It has been observed in many organizations that well trained workers performs their job in a better way and even offers improvements.

However, the activity planned develops the ability of an employee to communicate effectively by using some special techniques that are easy to understand. Communication is a habit, and for people it is something which should be reflexive, such as breathing. People communicate with their siblings, friends and kids without even thinking about the words or the pitch of the voice they are using. However, when communicating within a workplace or between professionals, people fail to establish good and effective communication. There is a need to understand the need and the method to communicate which includes the selection of appropriate words, listening with minds instead of ears, and getting across the message (Bargiela-Chiappini & Haugh, 2009). The training will tend to develop all these factors so that the target audience can develop their communication skills.

Communication is an act between a sender and a receiver through which they transfer information (Ramiller & Wagner, 2011). Acknowledging the need of effective communication among the employees of any organization activities are planned which will tend to increase their ability to communicate face to face. Face to face communication technique varies when a person is interacting with different people. For example, it is unconcern to the people of how they are talking while communicating with their family member of child. But in any organization the scenario is quite the opposite. Employee needs to be precise, use good words that are un arguing, with conveying the actual message.

Part 1 (The program)

Fig 1: Taken from:


The purpose of the program is to develop effective communication skills including, face to face communication so that the employees of the ...