Reason For Attending College

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Reason for Attending College

Reason for Attending College

Getting a college degree is important. In this paper, reasons as to why one should go to college are presented. The paper starts with a thesis statement, followed by an introduction and discussion section. The reasons for attending a college are presented next, followed by a conclusion.

Thesis Statement

Obtaining a college education requires much time, effort and careful planning by parents and students. College education provides the knowledge and skills that students will use to succeed in all their endeavors.


The question regarding potential reasons to go to college is relevant because going to college is a huge investment in time and material resources - not only for the cost you pay, but the cost of what you win if it fails to devote to anything else.

A report by the U.S. Department of Labor has shown that a high school diploma alone is not sufficient to allow students' access to jobs that pay above average salaries (Eby, 2008). If you are vying for a position in any type of technical expertise, it is likely that the job will require a two-year diploma, four years, master's degree or at least a certificate program.

Let me clarify that I am the first to consider that college is a valuable experience. But I think at the same time, we do not know why we or do we get out of it, or what we do there. Things work more or less because it has always worked, even though the world outside the College moves completely different pace.


The time that one spends in college is the most fabulous time of one's life. This is also the time when you learn who you really are and living to meet friends who will be your link to social enterprises, as well as direction of your life when things are not a genuine manner. In college, one learns to cope with stress and gain great confidence and persistence of this fact in mind, I started going to college, without feeling that I was a 46 year-old housewife, and I also have another advantage that I am in America because here, if anyone in this age, joins the college, he / she is appreciated by many. College education will help me in every part of my life, as it will make me much more confident than before, and I will feel that I can do many things that I never thought before all my life.

As a graduate student, I will bring a wealth of real-world experience from my work in both a direct service organization and a private funding institution. I also carry an understanding of the social service community, and of how various organizations work together to form a continuum of care. Society complex problems stem from many sources. Through my work as a graduate, I hope to gain the skills necessary to address these multi-dimensional problems directly and effectively. Whether my future lies in the public, non-profit, or private sector, ...
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