Real World Disasters

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Real World Disasters

Real World Disasters

Assignment 5B

Social distancing measures

The social distancing measures minimize the transmission of influenza by reducing contact between subject's susceptible and infected individuals. They include school closures, and that travel restrictions and mass gatherings. We examine here the recent literature to assess effectiveness of this approach as measure to prevent pandemics. This group of measures aims to reduce the likelihood of contact between the susceptible or infected cases and therefore reduce the transmission and avoid the abrupt increase of cases.

Restriction of international and domestic voyages

In order to reduce individual risk of infection and the importation of cases, recommended restricting travel to affected areas (either outside or inside Spain) to those required during the pandemic alert phases 4 and 5 and during phase 6 until the 3rd level. At this level, we must assess the epidemiology and geographical distribution of the epidemic for recommendations about travel restrictions. Any action with respect to international travel will be taken in coordination with the WHO and other European countries. In this regard, the International Health Regulations 2005 provides that before a "public health emergency of international concern", The WHO Director-General shall make temporary recommendations be implemented by the State Party in which health emergency of international concern or other States Parties (Adamson, 2009).

Social distancing measures at schools

The concentration of children and youth in schools facilitates the airborne spread of diseases and is considered a group amplifier during influenza epidemics, observing an increase in the number of cases after the opening of the centres education. Mathematical models agree that the closure of schools either kindergartens, schools or universities, can be a very effective measure to reduce the impact of the pandemic if combined with other social distancing measures avoid the increase of transmission in families and communities at the end of secondary schools.

The effectiveness of this measure depends on two parameters, the percentage of sick children with which the school is closed and the number of days it is closed. The proposed closure of schools in Phase 6 levels 3b and 4 when the lethality is greater than or equal to 0.1%. In previous phases, will consider the application of this as a particular school if an outbreak occurs in our country and the school population has been exposed that centre. Furthermore, since the risk of introducing infection in a group and transmitting posterior is directly proportional to the group size, it is necessary that the closure of schools is affixed to the suspension of all activities that involve a high concentration of people such as extracurricular activities, celebrations birthdays (Covello, 2010).

Distancing measures in the workplace

It should include measures such as flexibility in working hours, the possibility of work from home, make video conference meetings, staggered shifts work, etc. We propose the application of this set of measures in Phase 6 levels 3b and 4 when the fatality is greater than or equal to 0.1%. In previous phases, will consider the application of this measure in a particular workplace if an outbreak in our ...
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