Real Estate

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Real Estate

Business Management of Real Estate

Business Management of Real Estate


For the economy of the country, the sector of real estate plays a significant role and this sector is considered to be a really pivotal sector for bringing recession or upheaval in the country's economy. There are a couple of reasons due to which Indians have become a marketable prospect for the economy and therefore Indians are placed in the Australian economy's center. In order to recognize the economy's economic relevance, it is necessary that we analyze the fundamental dynamics of the economy (Zhou & Liu, 2012, 368-373).

Indians of Australian Descent

There are many Indian people who are migrating to Australia and the population of Indians in Australia is increasing with the passage of time. Thus, these Indians are becoming the fastest growing ethical groups within Australia and therefore they are becoming the real marketable prospect. So as a marketing segment, they are really a community to look for and some of the marketing visionaries are placing their products in such a manner in which they are marketable to the Australian market. According to the research, it has been found that during the period of 2005 and 2006, Indians emerged like a strong community in the territory of Australia and appeared to be the 4th largest Australian community. Thus, Indians are playing a vital role in enhancing eth economy of the Australia and the research reveals that number of Indians who are residing in Australia are becoming approximately double today.

Real Estate Sector

Real estate plays an essential role in the economy of any country and therefore there are several benefits for investing in the sector of real estate. The issue which is arising is that there is the absence of such real estate agency for Indians which will be accountable for taking care of wants and needs of the non residential Indians who are residing in Australia. As the research has revealed that there is a great contribution of Indian population in Australia therefore there must be some real estate agency in Australia which will solely care for the Indians who are migrated to Australia. Thus, the market of real estate for Indians in Australia seems to be dominant and there is an extreme need of the real estate for Indians who are Australian inhabitants. By realizing and analyzing the need and importance of real estate in Australia for Indians, Nahar real estate decided to start its services in Australia solely for Indians. Moreover, countless benefits of launching Nahar real estate in Australia can be expected.

The main goal of the Nahar real estate is to produce new and novel revenue stream by launching the business of real estate in Australia solely for Indians who are living in Australia. Nahar real estate selected Australia for starting its business because the company desires that Indians who are living in Australia must invest their money in the economy of India and not in the Australian economy. Huge Indian population in Australia is also the ...
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