Reagan And The Red Scare

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Reagan and the Red Scare

Reagan and the Red Scare


After World War 2, Americans started to be very aghast that hordes of communists were seeking to conquer the country. Communism was derided, and the American public called communists 'reds'. Most persons considered that communists were poorer than murderers. Just being supposed of communism intended that one was a traitor, and association with communists was almost as awful as being one yourself.


There were numerous causes for this galloping paranoia. One cause was that report accounts verified that some communist nations had spies in the U.S., and now had the recipe for atomic bombs. People were aghast of atomic blasting apparatus, and they dreaded that atomic holocaust was just round the corner. News accounts of atrocities pledged by communist managers assisted to follower the blazes of America's fear (Skinner, 2001).

The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) enquired communist organizations. The HUAC came into being because they liked to verify that many of actors and writers were communists. They considered that videos were brainwashing Americans and putting communist propaganda into their heads. The Committee searched Hollywood, but they not ever verified any of the charges. They even interrogated 10-year-old Shirley Temple. Movie studios became very careful about their goods and their actors, because they did not desire to be accused. Just to be affiliated with somebody who was supposed of communism was sufficient to wreck a career (Schwartzberg, 1991).

There were those who determined to reap political gain from the doubts of the American public, and the most infamous of these is Joseph McCarthy. Joe McCarthy was a Republican Senator who broadcast that he had registers of supposed communists. The register had titles of numerous types of persons, and they extended from television personalities to businessmen. He was often in the report, telling the American persons that they were being overrun with communists, and that they should relieve themselves of all the communists before America could be large again. Joe McCarthy's political celebrity started to rise. And America is still feeling the backlash from Joe McCarthy's political aspiration today (Noonan, 2001).

In 1954, all of America observed avidly as the Senate held hearings for some of the persons on the lists. The hearings were televised nationwide. Two future leaders were present at the hearings. Richard Nixon was a constituent of the HUAC, and Ronald Reagan emerged as ...
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