Reactions And Analysis Of Various Personal Wellness Topics

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Reactions and Analysis of Various Personal Wellness Topics

Reactions and Analysis of Various Personal Wellness Topics

Four Eating Strategies that Prevent Cancer

This article talks about cancer being the second most common cause of the death of the people in developed countries. The article discusses the ways cancer can be avoided.

Diseases such as heart illnesses and diabetes can be avoided by the following a healthy diet. The same can be applied to cancer, and diet can make a big difference. The four tips mentioned by the American Institute of Cancer Research nutrition advisor consultant, Karen Collins are follows:

There should be more consumption of fruits, and vegetables, whole grain s and beans. Generally these things are advised for people seeking to attain better health. It is not clear as to what particular ingredients fight cancer, and this is the reason why consuming them as whole is more effective than supplements.

Reducing intake of processed meat and meat. Having a lot of red meat increase the risk of cancer, and processed meat such as sausages, bacons, and hams can cause harm as they contain preservatives that are harmful.

Alcohol consumption has to be decreased. For men it should be two drinks, and women one drink. Moderate consumption is fine and it is best to seek advice from a professional regarding this issue

Salt consumption should be cut down. Average American consumption is of 3,900 mg, whereas recommended it 2,400 mg. Food ordered from restaurant should be ordered with check on salt content, and convenience food should be ordered as less as it can be.

The article gives an important insight into the prevention of cancer which is through diet, and gives simple advice on how the consumption patterns should be changed for a healthier diet.

Flu Prevention Strategies

If the proper safety measures are not taken applied any person can be affected by flu in any season of the virus. Flu can be a serious problem as it can lead to death; approximately 3000 to 49000 lose their life because of this disease. Prevention is better than cure, and steps can be taken to mitigate the flu virus. This article discusses the ways in which it can be avoided.

Getting a flu shot is the first line of defense, and the preferred time is early fall. People should also avoid getting into contact with dirty surfaces, or people that are sick. This stops the transfer of gems that cause the flu virus. People should wash their hands, and disinfect the surfaces with cleaning agent. Staying in good health is also essential, it constitutes of a good diet, exercise, and proper sleep that strengthens the immune system. Smokers are more likely to get infected and it should be stopped. Smoking leads to multiple damages to the health of an individual. Proper medication should be taken within the first two days of the virus. Flu is contagious, and a person should avoid spreading it to the people around them by minimizing contact.

The article gives an important insight into the ...