Reaction Statement - Emotional Intelligence

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Reaction Statement - Emotional Intelligence

Reaction Statement - Emotional Intelligence


Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage emotions to achieve goals. From this definition, it is possible to understand why people should learn to deal with their fears, insecurities and dissatisfactions towards the success of the activities. This power, which increasingly has the role to differentiate the professionals, allows the development of a harmonious environment and at the same time be productive ideas and results.


Human beings, by their nature, are prone to perform actions upon their emotions and IE is connected to a prudent person, intuitive and rational. She is part of a balance and forth action, allow to be wise and seek the best solution (Shipley, Jackson & Segrest, 2010). The prerogatives of having emotional intelligence is well balanced wisdom in decision-making, have the peace and insight to seek out the best strategies.

Knowing how to act emotionally intelligently may offer several advantages in everyday life and career. Quick promotions bring effective results for the team and the company, expanding the network of relationships and learning with greater ease are some of the benefits when the professional develop this competency. It could be argued that emotional intelligence is essential for high achievement at work in almost all occupations and at all positions (Petrides & Sevdalis, 2010). Emotional intelligence, unlike IQ, there is formed a genetically or shaping in early childhood. With flexible connections can train your brain's abilities in this area.

Emotions play a central role in the human psyche. Direct us when we face the tasks and challenges too important to deal with them, let alone reason. Every emotion gives us special, different from the rest of readiness for action, each pushing us towards behaviors that have proven effective in certain recurring situations where people had placed the challenges which their lives (Lievens, Klehe & Libbrecht, 2011). All emotions are in fact incentives driving deals us to act fast to save the plans or sustain life, in which evolution has equipped us. And all of them play a unique role.

Emotional Intelligence is a term used in psychology to describe the intelligence that involves the ability to manipulate emotions, making them supporting the process of internal growth (Shipley, Jackson & Segrest, 2010). With the application of Emotional Intelligence emotions scattered, uncontrolled and generally evil, can be analyzed, controlled and directed to the development of individuals and groups.

Emotional Intelligence was popularized in 1995 by psychologist, journalist and author Daniel Goleman, the fascinating book that brings the term as the title. Through a coherent and intelligent, Goleman shows that high IQ of a person is not a guarantee of success and happiness, contrary to widespread scientific knowledge hitherto (Petrides & Sevdalis, 2010). Using innovative research methods that evaluate mental states, brainwaves and behavior, it demonstrates that high IQ people can fail as people who have more moderate ratio tests were successful in their projects and personal and professional goals.


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