Reaction Paper

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Reaction Paper

Reaction Paper


People communicate in different ways while discovering each other. Verbal communication is the most common oral and refers to the issue of words and sounds we use to communicate. Verbal communication is the written record of observations, ideas, questions, information and feelings. Non-verbal communication involves all forms of behavior that cannot express in words, such as gestures, facial expressions, posture and appearance.

The fact of human experience lie always in groups fostered the hope that the study allowed us to discover the laws of mental function governing both the individual and society (Forsyth, 2013). The group is an enriched context in order to provide conditions for prevention and health promotion, sensitizes the participants as to emotional experiences, allows the expression of feelings and tensions enhances perception and stimulates creativity.

This reaction paper is about the formation and importance of groups in the society. The group technique also shows a form of intervention for the care with psychological distress and can help to improve human relations.


The communication from the earliest times, it is an instrument of integration, education, development and mutual exchange between people in any activities (Ortiz, 2013). With the passage of time, this new millennium is increasingly demanding the peculiarities and capabilities of the human being, and how we communicate the most important tool in the process of expanding organizations throughout the world.

Despite suffering much criticism, interviews and group discussions are often practiced in market research and in the field of political theory. This can be explained by the lower amounts of required interviews a group interview, compared to interview one person at a time. By assembling a small number of people led by one or more moderators, the methodology encourages conversation and generates emotional reactions in very little time (Ortiz, 2013). It is not recommended to use methods sensitive issues or turbulent environments, in matters requiring secrecy and when there is need for quantitative resources.

These techniques two types of actors taking part: the facilitator and the group. The first is who heads the inquiry. It is necessary to know the subject, respecting the opinions of others, listening to others and encourage everyone to participate in the discussion. The facilitator should “respect the participant, avoid unnecessary criticism, hear and do not teach”, observe the body language of the group, looking for signs of understanding, doubt, agreement and disagreement.

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