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This paper scrutinizes the ethical principles of autonomy and justice related to the profession of therapist and counselor. Two case histories are presented that exemplifies how ethical dilemmas related to the form of therapy to be offered are significantly persuaded by often unconscious counter-change feelings. This paper also examines the ethical and legal issues associated with therapist.

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Ethical and ethics are two different words. For instance, if it states that the therapist has behaved “unethically” means that the therapist has somehow disobeyed a rule of conduct, possibly American Bar Association (APA) ethical code or regulations of a licensing board. This way of thinking emphasize on the unethical practices, a violation in the minimum standards of therapist's behavior. The sets of code of conduct and ethical principles of therapist forth 89 standards related to a violation or unethical behavior.

Ethical principles of therapist focus on the aspiring principles associated with therapy profession that cannot be satisfied by the rule-based approach. Ethics referred to thinking about causes in the context of values. There are five fundamental ethical principles listed in the ethical code describes core values for therapy include fidelity and responsibility, justice, respect for people's rights and dignity, beneficence and non-malfeasance, and integrity (Herbert & Young, 2002).

An ethical problem emerges when the values of the ethical principles are being violated, and its resolution must plea to values. These ethical dilemmas cannot be resolved only by using technical expertise. The ethical dilemma resolution involves identification of the relevant values and considering those competing values against each other in order to identify which must be given priority.


Q1# The level of competence can be determined against defined set of competences. This will provide an indication regarding the current ability to act upon current role. There is a need to assess the statement of each competence and make a decision about the current level of working. Here comparison with others therapist also tend to be helpful, as they assist in setting appropriate benchmarks for oneself. However, feedback is an essential component of determining the level of competence.

A number of therapists employ standards to assess their level of competence and to determine the scope of improvement. Determining own level of competence usually do not bound to certain definitions or measures in defining competences, but individuals can classify competences into categories that help them determining the level of competence. For instance, in category A place those competences in which you are fully competent; category B allocate those competences that are the most relevant with your area; category C include those competences that are somehow associated with your area; and category D listed those competences that are not relevant directly to your area. This practice helps therapist in prioritizing essential and relevant competences. After encircling your competences confirm attainments, try to be comfortable and honest as possible while determining own competence level.

The major ethical or legal issues related to therapist competences includes three major issues such as ...
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