Rcgp Eportfolio

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RCGP Eportfolio

RCGP Eportfolio


An e-portfolio (electronic portfolio) is the form of a digital portfolio , which the new media used for the implementation of this old concept. The e-portfolio provides the opportunity itself, as well as services rendered to represent. These may include media forms such as the blog will be used and the profile page. Thus, the more e-portfolios differ in their form of "real" portfolio than by the content. Among other things, they are used as learning and assessment methods. They also serve as documentation for lifelong learning and an opportunity to present itself and its services. For the last many years Royal College of General Practioners (RCGP) have set information of Doctors or students who have been best in their work in an online folder which is ususal called as an e-portfolio.

Aims And Objectives

The ePortfolio is the link between personal space and social network profiles, blogs, homepage, business site, virtual collaborative space. EPortfolio is the theme at the heart of the challenges of information society. This is a major concern in current educational systems.There is no question but computer methods development and promotion of the identity of individuals and organizations, certainly supported by the ubiquity of computers in our daily lives.

The e-portfolio is intended for each and at every single trainee in the RCGP in order to credit them for their good work. It's pretty hard to predict what kind of titles people would like to add things under. It helps I Educational supervision discussions (upload local reports here), any appraisals and feedback on your day to day behaviour (e.g. complaints). Discussions on health related issues, when things are going wrong and ethical issues. In general, any conversations related to attitudes, skills, or organisational management (e.g. time keeping, stress and burnout etc). A significant event analysis helps you reflect on an event to try and tease the core components to enable you to help something work better in the future. A significant event can be something that went wrong (and hence you want to reduce the chances of it happening again eg complaints) or something that went surprisingly well (and thus you want to tease out the components that enabled it to work so well so you can replicate it in the future). (Kelly, 2007, p.1,364)

There are a large number of benefits of ePortfolio:

Central tool of the methods of digital inclusion;

Access anytime, anywhere;

Asynchronous communication;

Skills assessment;

Likely to promote better learning;

Integration of multimedia elements: images, sounds and videos;

Communication between different levels of stakeholders: students, parents and teachers.

Trainees Perspective

In a trainee's perspective following are some good reasons for maintaining eportfolio at RCGP:

On the one hand there is the added value that other competences. The motivation may be increased by the use of tools, while also dealing with the media and information technologies (IT) support. The learning process can help with IT and cross-connections are spread out. Thus, there is not only the opportunity to establish contact with the tutor, but also to colleagues or school ...
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