Rational Paper On The Changes In Content Of Television Shows Over The Past 10-20 Years by

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Rational paper on the changes in content of television shows over the past 10-20 years



Research approach1

Research Strategy1

Strengths and Weakness of the Chosen Methodology2

Strengths of the Content Analysis2

Weaknesses of the Content Analysis3

Variables of the Study3

Validity of the Study4

Sampling Method4

Data Collection Technique5

Data Analysis Technique5

Ethical considerations of the Study6


Research approach

Selection of appropriate research approach is the most crucial aspect of the research as the authenticity and accuracy of the research outcomes mainly depends on the appropriateness of the research approach. However, this research paper follows a content analysis research approach that is aimed to collect and analyze the qualitative data with the intention to test the hypothesis of the study to understand the impact of TV programs on the aggressive or violent behavior of children. However, the rationale to use content analysis in this research paper is based on the fact that the content analysis enables the researcher to analyze the cultural artifacts of any form of communication medium such as newspapers, television programs, or magazines. In Content analysis approach, the researchers do not include the responses of the people but the aim of the researcher is to analyze the social phenomenon on the basis of the communication mediums. Researchers who use content analysis are not studying the people, but are studying the communications the people produce as a way of creating a picture of their society.

Research Strategy As discussed above, in this qualitative study, the researcher used content analysis approach in order to examine the impact of TV programs on the aggressive or violent behavior of the study. However, the overall strategy of completing this research paper embraces a pre define and well structured approach. The crucial steps of the research strategy are defined below:

Formulation of research hypothesis in order to highlight the main issue under consideration. However, it should be taken into account that the research hypothesis should cover all the crucial aspects of the research aim and objectives in order to critically examine the issue under consideration (Downe-Wamboldt, 1992).

Selection of the most appropriate sample as well as communication content in order to gather required information for the research paper from a variety of reliable resources.

Categorization of content in order to ensure the logical flow of the information as well as to enhance the understanding regarding the issues with the intention to focus on the main issue.

Final selection of analysis units in order to ensure the validity of the information included in the study.

Preparation of different coding schedules in order to cross check the inner reliability of the content included in the research paper.

Analysis of the collected information by applying the most appropriate data analysis technique for content analysis research approach of this research paper.

Strengths and Weakness of the Chosen Methodology

(Macnamara, 2003) asserted the fact that limitations are always attached to the research methods in addition to its benefits. Therefore, the researcher has to make prudent decisions regarding the selection of the research methodology by critically evaluating the strengths as well as weakness of the research ...