The normal evidence that has been witnessed that youth may face the unique challenges in relation with the development and asserting the leadership styles, which might eventually transform them into future leaders. It has been noticed that every leader whether it is from the youth or the other age of life are gifted with certain talents, skills, experiences and aspects of his personality that make it unique and capable leader. However, the youth is much gifted with these skills because of the learning attitude and by keeping themselves up-to-date. On the first rung of commitment as a leader, one wants to get these characteristics to be effective in a small role. With the success, a young person will maybe also given opportunities for advancement or development (more responsibility and influence more people, etc.) and then maybe a title or a recognized position (e.g.: director, deacon, captain), and maybe even a real authority or excitement in the eyes of others (e.g., manager, boss, senior) could be awarded to the young person, thus transforming the youth into an effective leader (Bennis, et. al., 2001). There is nothing wrong with this.
In fact, it is a very positive thing for the development of the youth leaders because if one intentionally grows in its ability to grow as long as intentionally in his character. In developing the leadership among the youth, potential may be extremely useful in coaching. Of course, over the years transforming youth into leaders had to deal with outstanding leaders who have managed to achieve a lot in this field without the assistance of a coach, but not less coaching is a tool that greatly speeds up the process of creating leaders, and the development of leadership competencies are more aware.
Therefore, the human is the only living and dynamic resource of an organization, as decided by the management or other materials that are physical, but also has a vocation directed towards growth and development. In this sense, the human resource protagonist in any educational level is the teacher and the student who depend mainly the pursuit of excellence or quality of teaching learning process.
Role of Coach in Youth Leadership
The leader from the youth, who is assisted by a coach, becomes more open. This attitude makes it much easier his leadership skills and, above all, to improve communication with people headed. Leaders should be very good listeners, they must be able to view, in principle, all over the world, in ourselves and in employees. They must be able to analyze the effects that result from their activities and learn from them. Only open attitude makes a leader can learn from the environment, their own experiences and mistakes, as well as from others in its range.
Coach is often the person who is the leader of a kind of mirror in which you may view. This allows him to see himself and his achievements in the eyes of others in close relation to their role in the ...