Radiological Technology Management

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Radiological Technology Management



3D Mammography1

Hologic 3D Mammography2

Fujifilm 3D Mammography Viewer3

Picture Archiving and Communications System (PACS)3

Cerner Solutions4

Web-Based PACS5




Radiological Technology Management


Radiology is a field of medicine and healthcare which deals with the study of imaging techniques and application of this technology for the betterment of healthcare of mankind. It is used for diagnosing the diseases and then treating those with the use of x-ray and radiations techniques. It uses advanced high-tech computer systems for performing real-time complex anatomical scans (


Working in a rural area is more challenging than in a city. People are less educated and less motivated to the technological approaches of diagnosis and treatment. The radiology department is working to improve the workflow processes and capabilities of the department for serving people greatly in terms of healthcare.

3D Mammography

It is a sophisticated technology for fighting against the women breast cancer. Finding cancer in its initial stages produces good chances of survival; otherwise there are certain chances of death due to cancer. The breast is a 3D object including blood vessels, milk ducts, fat and ligaments. All these structures are at different heights within the breast. Observing it with digital (2D) mammography lacks the exact analysis of the cancer. It becomes a critical problem for women who have denser breast tissues (

3D mammography is the advancement of digital mammography. It combines with a process of “tomosynthesis” producing a 3D mammogram with the 2D mammogram. This technology enables the doctors to examine the masses and distortions layer by layer, linked with the cancers in the 3D pictures while the pre-cancerous conditions can be seen in 2D pictures (

Hologic 3D Mammography

In this procedure, the x-ray arm takes a number of images of the breast, sweeping over it as light arc. The images are converted into the 3D images using extensive computing techniques. By this, doctors and the radiologists are able to examine the breast layer by layer, and get the clear vision of each layer for diagnosing and treating the cancer (

Enhanced capabilities and patient care

This system has proven to reduce the ratio of calling back of patients by 40 percent in the United States. This technique has saved a number of lives because of its early stage detection capabilities. This percentage factor can be increased by further awareness of 3D mammography technology among them. (

Seamless Integration

This is to be done by making it a mobile configuration, which would enhance the approach of this product to the suffering ones. It is integrated with 2D mammographic imaging, and will be proved vitally important to the women having lass or no access to annual screening mammography (Newswire, 2013)

Fujifilm 3D Mammography Viewer

Mammography meets a different mean of diagnosis by 3D mammography. The Fujifilm's technique forms 3D pictures from two high resolution pictures which are taken at varying angles, using “Fujifilm's AMULET f digital mammography system”. One picture among these is a 2D picture (

The breast anatomy is clear to be identified with tissue separation. These pictures are analyzed on a special viewer, ...
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