Radiation Protection During Pregnancy

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Radiation Protection during Pregnancy



The purpose of presenting this paper is to provide readers an analysis of the given research articles and after the careful analysis of all the four articles I have highlighted the main points that are crucial to understand and needs careful attention.

Time for radiation safety program guidelines for pregnant trainees and vascular surgeons


The evolution of this surgery made the surgeons to expose for radiation. This exposure would increase concern for female trainees. In order to analyze the situation a survey for female trainees was initiated with a view to analyze the exposure of radiation on pregnancy.


For the purpose of analysis two different surveys have been carried out. The purpose of following research paper is to formulate the survey for female trainees, established surgeons of vascular radiations and also the program directors that involved in the vascular surgery to figure out the modern practices in relation to pregnancy and exposure to radiation guidelines. Therefore, the research showed that Hematological problems are relatively common in newborns and can sometimes be extremely severe. Keep in mind that the blood system experiences a very early development, to meet the high oxygen demand of the growing fetus as with almost all organs and systems that is, neonatal hematopoietic (Hoffbrand, 2011). One must consider that a significant proportion of blood volume got distributed in fetal placental vessels, hence, the amount of blood that moves the fetus to the placenta or in the opposite direction of the placenta to the fetus, after delivery and before cord clamping, condition of blood volume and hemoglobin of the newborn. To provide the readers a concrete evidence the researchers selected two different surveys to evaluate radiation exposure during pregnancy days. One survey distributed among the members of Association of Program Directors in Vascular Surgery was conducted in an attempt to gather relevant information regarding the existing program on radiation policies.

Findings and Results

The results revealed that 53 out of 181 female vascular surgeons gave positive response to the survey, whereas, on the other hand, 53% of the respondents were pregnant during the practice or training. Whereas, there were numerous complications reported during the pregnancies but most of the respondents reported that they felt supported by the program initiated by the hospital management.

Pregnancy outcome after 1st-trimester inadvertent exposure to barium as a contrast media for upper gastrointestinal tract radiography


For the analysis of this study a total of 42 women selected and were exposed to barium-contrasted X-ray i.e. barium swallow. The main aim is to analyze the reasction of these X rays on the development.


People who get pregnant during teen ages are likely to suffer from more diseases and illnesses. There are common illnesses that are prevalent among teen pregnancies. A number of interventions can be adopted to manage illness among teen pregnancies. One of the evidence based behavioral change techniques is providing education, information and knowledge to teen pregnancies through text messages. The era in which we live today is moving at a ...