Racism In United States

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Racism in United States


Racial discrimination is one of the ugliest facts surrounding United States. It has been a recurring issue ever since Christopher Columbus discovered America. Starting from the days of Slavery, then to civil war and through Jim Crow to Civil Rights Movement the African

Discrimination and racism has been widely used as effective tools for the motivation of hatred and fear of others at the time of wars and conflicts, as well as in economic problems. Since the slaves and colonial period, ethnic discrimination and racism is the most important issue in US. Legally authorized racism has executed a burden on the African Americans, Latin Americans, Native Americans, and Asian Americans. In the issues of voting rights, criminal processes, literacy, land acquisition, immigration, and citizenship, European Americans or Anglo Americans were lucky in these matters over a time period stretching from the seventeenth century to 1960s. Poles, Jews, Italians, Irish people, who were the European non-protestant immigrant sets had faced xenophobic elimination and many other discrimination in the society of America.


In the mid of the twentieth century the formal racial discrimination got banned, and was perceived as the socially insupportable or morally unacceptable even, however the politics of the races is still an important process. The racism in the history remains to get revealed in the socio-economic dissimilarity, and has occupied new indirect method of expression, most commonly symbolic racism. Racial stratification is continued to appear in the education, government, employment, lending and housing.

In the United States many of the people still have some prejudgments in contradiction to other races. In the United States “Human Rights Network” which is a network of scores of United States human rights as well as civil rights organizations, it views that the discrimination diffuses in all phases of life in the United States, and spreads in all societies of color. The discrimination in contrast to the Latin-Americans, African-Americans and Muslims is greatly accepted. The American ethnic minority members have observed racism in their businesses with other groups of minorities.

The fact is that racism is a problem which has continued to plague the country- in spite of this truth that now it is 2013 and the earliest equality push happened in 1960's. Whereas the nation repeats that all the man are equally created, in all the parts of the US there exists a tiny hate and racism pockets, and inside these pockets, they have a belief that the other races are lower and poorer to them. Furthermore, it indicates that the skin color of us shows who we exactly are, although an individual's skin color cannot precisely reflect his wealth, intelligence and morals. Racism is not only a view-point, however somewhat it is an infection that is usually left un-treated due to mis-guided stereotypes. Racism has no cure, as it is powered by the ignorance. Below are few stereotypes that give power to the racism:

African Americans are more powerful as compared to the white- Americans and they do more ...
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