Racism And The Movie Crush

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Racism and the Movie Crush

Racism and the Movie Crush


Crash, a film made in USA and Germany in the year 2004, puts its historical context in American territory, between the collapse of the Twin Towers on September 11 of 2001 and presidential elections of 2004. Crash is one effect of the moral climate of America after a succession of suicide bombings that involved the hijacking of four airliners by members of the terrorist network Al Qaeda on September 11, 2001, where there are still wounds of race riots Los Angeles 1992. During this period, thousands of people, mostly young blacks and Latinos, came together and performed a multitude of offenses as a result of the response of a jury, composed almost entirely of whites, acquitted four police officers, who appeared in recordings beating up a black leather biker (Benedict, 2003).

Both facts show instability and contemporary despair in this city, a land full of accidents, collisions of lives, fears and prejudices, racial bias, as shown in North American society and, specifically, Los Angeles, is the Crash backbone wire. White, black, Latino, Korean, Persian and Iranian star in a film marked by the racism of the century. In this society, in most cases, racial phobias tend to feed the collective paranoia of the entire multiethnic community, where the concepts of integration and mixing are unattainable utopia. So this film is contextual in a city marked by the coexistence of different cultures, where all are victims and perpetrators at once. On the other hand, the performance comes at a politically difficult time, because elections come into office with two leading candidates: John Kerry, the Democratic Party, and George W. Bush, the Republican Party. Politically, then, Crash shows a system of government and a corrupt police system, where traffic, racism and threats are there to resolve conflict situations among the population (Benedict, 2003).

Thesis Statement

This paper claims that the crash has no critique of social, economic, and political power structure.

Discussion and Analysis

Racism, a period coined in the 1930s, centralized on the conviction that individuals can be divided into classes founded on personal attributes. Racism appreciated having three essential components. First, it is the fix in the conviction that seen assembly dissimilarities can be attributed to basic dissimilarities in biological research (stereotypes); second, racism involves the contradictory evaluations one has of another racial assembly relation to one's own (prejudice); and third, racism reflects the unequal remedy of assemblies (discrimination). Fundamentally, racism engages the presumption that one race is better over other ones in localities of aptitude, natural forces, understanding, personal prowess, and/or virtues, and it is display through actions of discrimination and harassment.

Various kinds of racism encompass one-by-one, institutional or functional, and heritage or ideological. Individual racism is characterizing by one person's remedy in the direction of another founded on race, for demonstration, a boss not chartering a trained one-by-one or the sales clerical assistant not assisting a customer. Ideological racism is an insight or worldview that may formulate into an ...
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