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Racism Policies

Abstract/Executive Summary

Racism is a series of exercises, which are based on the provisions on the physical and mental variability of human races and the decisive impact of racial differences in history and culture. There is also a somewhat broader definition of racism. Thus, the Britannica Encyclopedia states that a racist is the belief that racial characteristics have a decisive influence on the ability, intelligence, morals, behaviors and traits of individual human personality, not of society or social group. Racism necessarily involves the idea of the original section of people into higher and lower races, of which the first are the creators of civilization, and are designed to dominate the next. Implementation of racist theories in practice sometimes finds expression in the policies of racial discrimination.

Abstract/Executive Summary2



Background And Scope5





Racism Policies


During the history, social definitions of "race" have largely relied on race as a biological concept. However, the race in its social dimension is largely independent of the work on classification of human beings. This autonomy is fully manifested since the second half of the twentieth century when the effects of the racist system of perception persist despite the unanimous rejection of the relevance of the concept of race by the scientific community.

The weight of that racist ideology is seen not only by the results of this survey that showed support for the arrogant foreign policy, with the farm owner, the government of Lagos applied against the poorest country in South America. Add the views set out in the debates that publish newspapers. In these forums, opinions are as screws linked by militarism and racism. Part of a chain warns historically characterized by disregard for the Bolivians, Peruvians, and the indigenous world in general and in particular to the Mapuche (Schuyler, 2002, pp. 45-51).


Examining the policy perspectives of fight against racism.

Exploring the Anti-Racism aspects.

Understanding the policies from anti-racist perspectives.

Background And Scope

The principal founding elements of racism, which emerged during the period of colonization, are aware of the cultural identity of everyone, the introduction of hierarchy in these cultures and consequently, the establishment of dominance relationships among these peoples. The claim of superiority of some civilizations over others, are added in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, theories which treat this hierarchy to a natural determination based on the concept of race. Since the sixteenth century, claims have been put up that scientific societies have sought to classify the human race, trying to create arbitrary classification of men in various races as a function of appearance and intelligence capabilities. After the abolition of slavery in the colonies of France, there was blame for the decline of an aging society breeds. The racist thought, contemporary social Darwinism, structure is being gradually advocating eugenics doctrines, namely the application of biological laws to perfect the human species. Anti-Semitism is one of the most extreme and violent forms of racism, came to a climax with nationalism, responsible for the genocide of Jews during World War ...
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