Racial Profiling Against African Americans In Urban Neighborhoods

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Racial Profiling Against African Americans in Urban Neighborhoods


A long time ago, approximately before 150 years from now, blacks in the region of Columbia were given liberty by President Abraham Lincoln. The date was April 16, 1862, eight months prior the liberation announcement. Nevertheless, blacks are yet not liberated from the oppression of racial profiling, which has subsisted from slavery to the present time. During the ancient time of extreme slavery, black people were required to show papers to confirm their independence; otherwise there was a serious peril on falling into slavery. Nowadays, black persons do not need papers to confirm their independence; however they are subject to targeting and racial profiling, solely on the basis of their race and ethnicity.

This research intends to demonstrate some facts and vast information about racial profiling, its relation against African Americana in urban neighborhoods. The paper also argues for the significance of an appropriate investigation of “racial profiling.” The study on racial profiling have already commenced a long time ago. Present studies have usually investigated this occurrence at the state level, on the basis of information collected about entire population, from high-patrol bureaus. Racial profiling can be easily comprehended in the three-dimensional framework of local districts as compare to large geographical regions.




Definitions: Racial Profiling2


Racial Profiling in the Perspective of Urban Neighborhoods3

Societal Ineptitude Perception Influencing Racial Profiling4

The Social and Economical Racial Profiling Against African Americans7

Place and Race8

The Function OF MDT Technology in Racial Profiling9



Racial Profiling Against African Americans in Urban Neighborhoods

Introduction and Background

The United States of America is a wonderful place to live a peaceful a life. People are treated equally in all the societies and regions. However, some people will diverge with this, as they are badly treated because of their racial and ethnic background. Racial discrimination has always been a major dilemma that every person has to come across against it at some time in his or her life. Nonetheless, majority people would not recognize that police would participate to the racial discrimination problem as every person has. Unluckily, they persuade the pessimistic trouble by calling it as a code known as “racial profiling.”

The concept of racial profiling among police departments is that some minorities are involved in some criminal conducts. For example, if majority black persons are engaged in drug dealings, then black person is supposed to be indicted. It happens almost every time a black man encounters a police official. The main reason behind this negative approach is that, this is societal concern and police officers are responsible to serve and protect, however when they are niggling the black motorist then who are they serving and protecting?


There are different views emerged from various people about racial profiling. One standpoint is that racial discrimination is continuing since the past time of slavery until now. There has been an intensive exertion by the white people authority to intimidate and harass the black persons. Another viewpoint is that the major purpose behind racial profiling against African Americans is the high rate of misdemeanor ...