Racial Disparities In The Quality Of Care For Enrollees In Medicare Managed Care

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Racial Disparities in the Quality of Care for Enrollees in Medicare Managed Care

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Abridged Literature Review3

Problem Statement5

Purpose of the Study6

Research Questions6

Racial Disparities in the Quality of Care for Enrollees in Medicare Managed Care


The main topic of this study is the Racial Disparities in the Quality of Care for Enrollees in Medicare Managed Care.


Racial disparities mainly refer to the situation in which the people face discrimination on the basis of their races. This dissertation explores the racial disparities which are experienced among the black and white Enrollees in Medicare Managed Care on the basis of quality of care. It has been observed that the black people are facing the discrimination in terms of gaining access to quality care in the Medicare. Therefore, there is a great need of understanding the main reasons behind the racial disparities in quality of care for the Enrollees in Medicare Managed Care and the ways which could be adopted by Medicare in order to reduce the racial disparities and implement the concept of equality (Smedley 2002).

Abridged Literature Review

Health disparity is mainly the difference which is faced by any disadvantaged social group in terms of race, sex and religion. This is the difference faced by the disadvantaged communities in terms of receiving the health care and treatment. The health disparity refers to the situation in which the minorities or the disadvantaged group has increased presence of any health problem but face the problems in terms of receiving the proper access to healthcare services and treatments.

There is a health disparity faced between the black and white people enrolled in Medicare in terms of receiving the access to care and other treatments. According to (Donald 1998), the main reason behind such disparities is the discrimination between the ethnic groups. The black people of United States are facing discrimination in each and every field of life. The black community is struggling to gain their equal rights since a long time but they are still facing these discriminations. The disparity in healthcare is also one of these disparities. The white people of America still do not accept the existence of Black people in America which is the main reason behind the increased disparity in healthcare between the black and white people enrolled in Medicare.

The black enrollees of Medicare are facing discrimination in receiving the healthcare. They are discriminated in different ways. According to (Zaslavsky 2001), the screening services are not provided to the Blacks in the same way as they are provided to the white people. There is also an existence of disparity between the black and white Enrollees in terms of receiving the eye examination for diabetics (Zaslavsky 2001). The other services including the colorectal cancer testing, dementia, cardiovascular diseases, depression and neck and head cancer are also not provided equally to the black Enrollees in the same way as it is provided to the white people. The Black Enrollees are also facing the disparities in receiving the administrative services (Arday ...