Racial Discrimination

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Racial Discrimination

Racial Discrimination


Equal treatment is a right of every human being because nature has made everyone as equals. However, certain people are discriminated against and are mistreated in the society only on the basis of their race, color or creed.

This activity of the societal forces does not only take place within racially sensitive groups, but can also be seen in practice by the criminal justice system, within the workplace and in the media. In order to better understand how these societal players play a role in the racial disparities and racial discrimination within the society, an in depth discussion regarding the relevant factors is required.


In every nation and society, certain racial and ethnic groups are always subject to discrimination either because of cultural differences or because of personal vendettas of the people residing within that locality.

Moreover, certain Organizations and Places are ethically expected to take ground against these activities and support these minorities that are suffering regardless of their mistakes. However, it is generally seen that these organizations and places themselves form barriers to entry and justice for these individuals within the society.

Criminal Justice System

A Criminal Justice System refers to an active body operating within a society which works to bring criminals to justice and to design strategies for the implementation of the societal laws. Different countries have different laws, but one law which is central in every society is that equal rights should be provided to every individual residing within the society (Solomon, 2012).

However, unfortunately the Criminal Justice System is seen to be discriminating against the different racial and ethnic groups in the following ways:

Unjust favoring is done for the people belonging to the native culture and race.

Explicit bail amounts are charged against people belonging to minorities. Moreover, in certain cases the proposed bail amount is set as extremely high only because the charged suspect could not afford it.

Police Officers in certain cultures target minorities when they are looking for drug traffickers and specifically arrest people with that race without reason. For instance, African Americans are the usual targets of US Police Officers when it comes to arresting drug and human trafficking suspects.


Workplace refers to an operational environment where a person goes to work for a living. Moreover, the major racial discrimination and disparity activities are most visible at workplaces only because people from different cultural background come together and have the freedom to express their feelings. The most commonly ...
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