Race And Manifest Destiny

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Race and Manifest Destiny

Race and Manifest Destiny

Race and Manifest Destiny


One of the captivating features of the United States of America's history is the increase of the fundamental philosophy of racism that was due to the enslavement of the Africans people. There was a number of factors such as the social, political as well as the economic features that played a main role in giving rise to the issue of race, and it is because of all the factors that established the culture of racism in the present era not only in the United States of America but all across t he world. The paper further simply reflects as to how concept of race, as well as other issues twisted in the United States of American history along with the race affairs.

American society's myths relating to the national character have a tendency to eclipse the historical realities. Horsman's book is one of the 1st books to observe the start of racialism in the United States of America, as well as to illustrate the principle in the white American pre-eminence was resolutely ensconcing in United States of America's ideology for centuries (Horsman, 1981).

The manifest destiny and foreign policy of the United States

The 26th President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, had a vision called realist international relations: he believed that states were selfish entities defending their interests above all, by force if necessary. T. Roosevelt took over the concept of "manifest destiny" to justify expansionism and interventionism of the United States outside its borders. In 1904, for the so-called Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, he said the duty of the United States to intervene in the Caribbean and Latin America when their interests are threatened.

The President W. Wilson, however, had an idealistic vision of international relations. Indeed, for him, international relations should be harmonious and peaceful through the obedience of the States to the rules of international law and order guaranteed by supranational organizations. Wilson challenged the traditional European diplomacy, based in particular on the secret.

America was and still is a perception of the best model of democracy in the world liberal democracy, based on civil liberties, but also the market economy.

Finally, to assert its position, Wilson took up the theories of Kant, according to which democracies do not wage war. U.S. imperialism is manifest destiny tinged with the heirs of the convictions of these two presidents. Just look at the political discourse of President George W. Bush during his two terms he demanded to see a manifest destiny, a mission almost divine.


The author Horsman skillfully chronicles the early stages along with the expansion of the ideology focusing on racism, essential stock, as well as factors in the blood. The author here traces as to how this ideology reallocated from further benevolent vision of the Origin Fathers, who clinched on the ideas of growth and the increase of republican foundation for everyone. The author discovers connections amid the current, ideology of racism in the United States of America and the mounting ...
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