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Race “The Power of Illusion”

Race “The Power of Illusion”

Race “The Power of Illusion”


The power of illusion, as it relates to my own racial and the ethnic background, which I identify with. Being from Hawaii and serving in the military for many years, I will share some military experiences and being exposed to Hawaii's multi ethnic culture. Race has no biological base as evidenced by DNA Testing by a high school science class and on the athletic field.


What is race? Another term used for race is ethnicity. Ethnicity is a term used in anthropology for the classification of cultural identities. According to Max Weber, "ethnicity" is a concept of a group of people, which is constituted by the belief in common ancestry and culture and a homogeneous group identity is formed. Here are some cultural elements like language, dress, customs and religion as related to the outside visible demarcation signs. Compared to previous primordial , essentialist explanations that ethnicity in endogamous groups of homogeneous cultures fixed and immutable as determined by biology and the geographical conditions saw, has become the constructivist approach, which attaches to the subjective perception of the actors play a central role enforced more. It describes the more or less purposeful actions of individuals and collectives , and in the social science theories often referred to as "social engineering" (social constructivism), or as a "choice decision" (theory of rational decision considered). For categorizing the ethnicity of social structure is in contrast to the ethnic term ethnos, the term demos as a political and legal concept of people employed. It is often wrongly associated with ethnicity, nationality equated. A setting that applies from the standpoint of their own culture and its associated measures of value primarily on their ethnicity, as ethnocentrism refers. Ethnicity is referred to a wide variety of cultural practices through which and through which it comes to the establishment and manifestation of inter-ethnic differences. Due to the high ambiguity and wide scope of this term is recognized that there are several basic approaches to the meaning of ethnicity.

Is race biological? No evidence exists in this regard. Instead it is a human classification of societies. Societies created class and status using skin color and other physical differences to create a racial divide. This created a system of class status in white America. On the basis these differences amounted to inferiority. When I got enlisted in the ...
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