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“Happiness is not something you experience; it is something you remember”. - Oscar Levant, writer

Oscar Levant was a composer, pianist and actor in the U.S. He owes his fame more to his humor and the characters he played in cinemas, on radio and television, to his music. Born in Pittsburgh, a family of musicians Orthodox Jewish Russians, Levant moved to New York with his mother Annie in 1922, after the death of his father, Max began his studies at the renowned pianist and teacher of piano Zygmunt Stojowski (Graham, 2010). In 1924 he appeared with Ben Bernie in short Ben Bernie and all the Lads shot in New York with the system sound-on-film made ??by Lee De Forest. In 1928 Levant traveled to Hollywood, where his career took a decisive turn (Graham, 2010).

During his stay he met George Gershwin with which shook even friendship. In the twenty years from 1929 to 1948 he continued to compose music for more than twenty films. During this period also wrote numerous hit songs that entered the charts at the time, the most notorious of which remains blame it on my youth, still considered a standard of pop music. Around 1932 Levant began his career as a composer (Graham, 2010). He studied with Arnold Schoenberg, who offered him the role of his assistant (offered but declined Levant convinced not to live up to it). His studies led him to attend the official request of Aaron Copland, to play at the Festival of Contemporary Music American Yaddo on April 30 of that year. Having achieved some success, Levant began drafting a work of orchestral, a Sinfonietta. In 1932, he married and later divorced from actress Barbara Woodell (Graham, 2010).

As the fulfillment of human desire and aspiration is very broad term happiness, the feeling of momentary happiness to lasting happiness includes, but may meet as an external event such as a happy coincidence or a lucky turn of fate verhelfende to life. The pursuit of happiness has been found as an original individual right of freedom input into the founding document of the first modern democracy, where the Declaration of Independence of the United States. There it is called the Pursuit of Happiness (McMahon, Darrin, 2005). The promotion of individual human happiness quest is now the subject of specific research and consultation with neuro-biological, medical, sociological, philosophical and psychotherapeutic aspects. The word "happiness" comes from Middle Low German gelucke (from 12th century) and Middle High German gelücke. It meant "way in which something ends / starts good." Luck was therefore the favorable outcome of an event. Requirement for the "fortunate" were not a particular talent or even fault of their own (McMahon, Darrin, 2005). On the other hand asserts the vernacular at least pro rata responsibility of the individual for the attainment of happiness in the saying: "Everyone has his own fortune." The ability to happiness is in this sense, other than by external circumstances as well as individual attitudes and the self-affirmation in a given ...
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