Questions To Be Answered

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Questions to be answered

Questions to be answered attached in the file

Answer 1)

The case under discussion is simply a problem that has arisen among the co-workers at the workplace. One of the employees thinks that he deserves the managerial level and when he is not selected, he gets de-motivated from his work, and starts feeling bad about the person whom he has to report now as he was his former co-worker. Now it may either be a problem of management of the organization or it is the self infliction of the employee himself that he is capable of promotion and he has not been given the chance of proving himself.

Answer 2)

These are the common problems that occur in most of the organizations. We will consider different case studies relating to similar problems of de-motivation, anxiety and boredom at the workplace in different organizations. Moreover, different management theories including Maslow's hierarchy of needs, McGregor's theory X and theory Y and Cognitive dissonance theory (Changing minds, 2012). These are the theories of renowned philosophers and they had a vast experience in psychology of human/ mankind which led them to write such theories. Organizations have a vast experience to tackle such issues and different consultants have been hired to solve such cases. All these sources will be used in order to bring a solution to our case.

Answer 3)

Decision making is a complex process which requires complete attention and commitment in order to get the correct decision. Every person was thinking according to his own perception and attitude. The process was basically depending on the right person who has to be selected for the lower management position. Every person wants to get promoted, it's a basic human psyche, but the person who is more educated or experienced considers himself to be given preference over others. And if any of his junior or a person who lacks skills according to that person's perception gets promoted, he feels unsatisfied and de-motivated.

Answer 4)

Decision making process requires a number of people to get involved so to come to a proper solution. Every person thinks as per his own perception and makes the decision accordingly. In the case under discussion, every member in a team was actively participating in the decision making process and giving his advice about the manager they require depending on the managerial skills he/she possesses. According to Bert and Ernie, Jill has been the best manager ...
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