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Questions & Answers

Do you think that trust today is more or less important than it was a decade ago? Do you believe Americans are more cynical and less trusting today than they have been in the past? Do you think that trust can be cultural, that is some cultures are more trusting than others? How can firms engender trust to their customers? Is it freely given, or does it have to be earned.

Answer: Trust is definitely more important these days than it was a decade ago. The rise in unfavorable circumstances such as deception and fraud these days due to increase in various methods leads to fooling a person easily. Therefore, people are now more conscious in trusting a person. It can be stated that several factors has played a part in these consequences which resulted in these circumstances. According to the speculations, Americans are more cynical and less trusting these days than they have been in the past. His is true for most of the people worldwide. Culture plays an important role in trust. For example, people belonging to religious cultures are generally believed to be more trustworthy and reliable. Trust needs to be earned with respect and fulfillment of commitments. The trust can never be given freely. Companies create trust among their customers by offering superior quality and value to customers. If the quality is beyond expectation of the customer, he is delighted (Nannestad, 2005).

Is it realistic for your boss to expect you to abstain your direct reports from conducting personal business on the company computer?

During a "slow" period in the work day, you consider using the computer to surf for information on the fantasy football scores, the March Madness scores, or do some holiday shopping.  Discuss the five ethical "tests" that might come into play in your decision whether to allow your direct reports to surf or not to surf.

What are the possible outcomes of your decision and are there difficult challenges you will face as the supervisor when you communicate this message to your employees?

Answer: The usage of company's property for personal tasks are unethical and against the disciplines. However, employees mostly have the habit of using this property for personal use as far as it is not interfering with the work and time. Therefore, it is probably impracticable for boss to expect the use of such property solely for company. The people ...
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