Questions And Answers

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Questions and Answers

“Questions and Answers”

Questions and Answers

Q. no. 1: Discuss the principles of human resource management and evaluate how it contributes to the success of organizations?

There are predominantly four basic principles of Human Resource Management, which applies upon every structure of organization. Amongst the four principles, there are Commitment, Competence, Cost-Effectiveness and Congruence (Becker, pp. 791, 1996).


The commitment of an HRM is associated with the success of the organization and their job security in the organization (Becker, pp. 793, 1996). Thus, it is required that the HRM department should arrange trainings for employees to polish their skills, performance evaluation and goal setting activities.


Organizations value competent employees, thus, it is the duly duty of HRM to provide job knowledge and orientations to the employees. The competence of HRM is directly associated with the competence of the employees, which could have drastic affects on the production and operation of the business (Becker, pp. 797, 1996).


HRM is considerably not a money making department of the organization; thus, organizations usually allocate very limited amount of budget to this particular department. Many times it is not enough to conduct all HR tasks, including trainings, recruitment and relationship building (Becker, pp. 798, 1996). Thus, Cost effectiveness is a major principle in human recourse management in order to operate the system effectively.


Congruence refers to agreement and harmony. Businesses perform in order to become market leader. HRM has a major role to play, while considering the goals and objectives of the organization. It is essential to pursue recruitment in harmony to the goals and objectives of the business - or at a micro-level - of the particular departments (Becker, pp. 800, 1996). Therefore, Congruence need to amongst the top principle of human resource management.

Q. no. 2: Critically discuss the factors that make a team successful and how managers contribute ...
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