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Questions and Answers

Questions and Answers

Summarize entitlement and provision for early years education

The provision of early years education states that children aged 3 and 4 in old England are the ones who are being provided free education and the parents have to make sure that they help their children in getting the right education. Children aged 3 and 4 are the only ones who are entitled to free education, and if the parents wish to continue their children's education of more than 38 weeks then they have to pay the additional amount for the time with 12.5 hours. According to the provision education in many countries is provided at a very low cost and also free sometimes as the private enrolments have increased as compared to the enrolments in 2009. This voucher scheme is entitled for early years of education so that the children are able to get education in the most appropriate manner. The Government of LA has made sure that the children aged 3 and 4 get free education so that they are able to build a strong educational base and that the ways in which they acquire education is done in the right manner.

Types of Childcare Facilities

There are a number of childcare centers that help the children in getting education. Following are some of the types of childcare facilities:

Child Care Centers: These are desgined for the infants, toodlers and preschoolers. Different programs according to their age and educational level are designed and education is provided to them accordingly.

Preschool Programs: These programs are desgined for students who are about to start their school life. This helps in giving an idea and making them familiar to the school environment.

School-Age Care: These programs offer help to children from kindergarten to sixth grade and assists them in gaining education and knowledge.

Head Start/Early Head Start: This program is specifically designed for children who belong to low-income families and also ensure that proper education is provided to them.

Playgroups and Exchanges: These are informal program organized by parents. They help in ensuring that children spend quality time with their parents.

In-Home Care: In this case, the caregiver comes to the home of the children and ensures that they provide them with appropriate knowledge and education.

Explain how the ethos, mission, aims and values of a school may be reflected in working practices


These are the guidelines and beliefs that the people of the organization follow. Guidelines that are deemed to be appropriate by the comp[any are defined as the ethos of the company and the members are bound to follow them.


The mission of any company describes the purpose for which the company has been formed and the steps that the company will take to achieve the purpose. The mission of the company defines and provides the employees with a clear defined path as to how the purpose should be achieved.


Aims are the desired outcomes that are derived after the mission of the company has been decided. They help the company in deciding what action ...
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