Questions And Answers

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Questions and Answers

Questions and Answers

Answer 1

The hospitality products include the range of commodities that have been supplied to the hospitality industry to help create the pleasant experience for the guests. Hence, the five main characteristics of hospitality products include the following mentioned element (Weissman, 2013);



Easy to use




Highly satisfactory

These characteristics ensure increase in the level of contentment of the guests staying at the hotel while elevating the good will of the hotel. In short, the hospitality products increase the level of guest enjoyment and they may prefer coming over there again in the future.

Answer 2

The service excellence holds the great significance in the hospitality industry. The truly excellent hospitality organizations ensure to sustain and achieve the outstanding results for their stakeholders and measure their service excellence through the satisfaction level of their clients. The hospitality industry can manage and measure its performance the 'Hospitality Assured' which is the standard for service and business excellence in hospitality. It has been endorsed by the British Hospitality Association (BHA). This association has set the standards within the hospital industry that only focus on the customer experience. The Assured process provides the guidance for every step of the business from specially trained hospitality experts to the highly comfortable environment to increase customer pleasures (Institute of Hospitality, 2012). The services and management processes are checked against the set criteria in order to measure the efficiency of the hospitality organization.

Answer 3

The service breakdown is the nonconformance or the service delivery where the customer's satisfactions and expectations are not met. There are numerous factors that can lead to breakdown in service which include the following;

Mechanical process fail

Communication on specification or expectation fail

Services are not adequately provided

Providing the nonconforming products

These factors cause the customers to leave after the service breakdown because they feel that they have not been provided the appropriate care and services against their money. However, the complaints of dissatisfied customers should promptly be handled so as to save their goodwill. Hence, regaining their lost confidence requires the prompt actions through welcoming the complaints, treat them honestly, and address issues quickly (Crnich, 2010).

Answer 4

The 5 gap model compares the service experience with the expectation and attempts to identify the gap between them. It provides the integrated view of consumer company relationship and outlines the perception gap and its contributory factors.

The first gap finds the break between the consumer expectation and the perceptions of management which arises when the management does not understand what actually the customer wants.

The second gap attempts to find the flaw between the management perception and the service quality specifications.

The third gap is between the service quality specification and its delivery. This may occur due to the inadequate training of staff and nonconforming service standards.

The forth gap is between the service delivery and external communication.

The last gap is between the expected service and experienced service (The Gap Model, 2010).

The gap model helps in finding out the gap through ...
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