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1. Was the "Crash of 1929" avoidable? If so how? If not, why not.

The crash of 1929 was avoidable, as the crisis erupted on October 24, 1929 on Wall Street with a stock market crash due to overpricing of securities listed, for years, upward by speculative motives. The stock market crash resulted in the sudden capitalization U.S. companies and industry, and export of the world. The Great Stock Market Crash of 1929 and the Depression that followed is perhaps one of the most memorable and unforgettable events in the 19th century. The main cause of the crash of the New York Stock Exchange was speculation. If the speculation was controlled, then the Crash of 1929 may not be happened. Furthermore, how and why this situation remained speculative, the reasons are several that include;

- The monetary inflation, which resulted in a policy of cheap money and easy credit.

- The banking structure, which consisted of many small banks, whose financial survival depended on the rise in stock prices. Lent short-term almost always an interest of 12 per 100, when they obtained loans from the "Federal Reserve" to 5 100. Business was good, but the banks were heavily dependent on the stock market speculation and contributed to higher values. In addition, there was no state control over banks.

- The existence of companies 'portfolio', which had plenty of action and were interested in the rise in prices.

- The psychology of the masses, believing that the system was foolproof, encouraged by unscrupulous capitalists and politicians who did not know or did not want to end this state of affairs.

2. Why did America choose industrialism over agrarianism after the Civil War?

The United States was transformed from an agricultural to industrial society in the years following the Civil War. Factors contributing to this remarkable change included the given factors;

- Availability of massive supplies of raw materials, such as timber, iron ore, oil and other resources

- Development of new inventions and technology

- Existence of a large labor force constantly replenished by immigration

- Emergence of highly talented, but often unscrupulous business leaders.

Furthermore, it was also important to after the civil war that the employment level should be increased; therefore, industrialism preferred over the agrarianism after the Civil War to bring equality. In addition to this, at the end of the Civil War, most of the existing railroad operations were short lines serving a restricted territory.

3. T or F (if false then why). The revolution in Russia in 1917 made easier for the United States to enter World War I.

In various past researches, it is stated that during the period of revolution in Russia in 1917, it became easy for the United States to enter in the World War I. In 1915 and 1916, German submarines sank two U.S. crew boats, killing dozens of civilians. In April 1917, United States entered in the conflict in support of the Allies (Bellamy, 1888, pp. 42-38). Months later, Russia after the revolution, Russia withdraws from the war by signing ...
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