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Answer to Question 1:

Definition of Plagiarism

According to lecturer Irving Hex ham (Internet Source, 2005), The Compact version of the Oxford English lexicon recounts to proceed of plagiarism as: 'the wrongful appropriation or purloining, and publication as one's own, of the concepts, or the sign of ideas of another (HEXHAM, 52-96).

Intentionally endeavoring to deceive the book reader by giving the work of another as one's own constitutes plagiarism, and learned plagiarism takes location when a author constantly exact replicates, without using proper referencing methods or quotation marks, 'more than four phrases from a published source', and presents the work as his or her own (COLÓN, 32-36)

Reasons for plagiarism

While most plagiarism is premeditated, there are some situations where plagiarism is the outcome of poor referencing and a lack of comprehending as to what actually constitutes plagiarism (SCANLAN, 63-147).

As cited by Hex ham (Holden, 2425-2433), plagiarism can be money-making and may increase the prospect of 'employment', advancement' and 'regular wages increase'. More likely reasons for plagiarism are reported by portion Scanlon (Internet Source, 2004), who causes part of an article published twenty years ago by David Shaw in the Los Angeles Times. The most relevant determinants for plagiarism encompass 'laziness', 'deadline pressure', 'writer's impede' and 'fear of failure'.

How to avoid plagiarism

A register of 'plagiarism avoidance tips' for reporters is declared by portion Scanlon (Internet Source, 2004). He accepts as true that plagiarism can be bypassed if journalists learn to paraphrase correctly, make use of technology to find the initial causes of items, and share individual concepts as to what assists them to bypass plagiarism.

It is very simple to be seduced by the idea of plagiarism, particularly when one is employed against a strict deadline. One should be well known with the concept of plagiarism and be adept to bypass committing plagiarism, in order to generate new research and work toward the proposal of more relevant and initial work (COLÓN, 32-36).

Answer to Question 2

Nature and Culture

The Nature versus heritage distinction is one of the most evident oppositions in Western culture. For the most part, culture is advised better to nature. An up to date consensus of heritage relativism has made the old beginning of "Nature" with a capital anachronism

In communal science it is about what forms us both as persons and as constituents of society. Inherited genetic predisposition ("nature") or what we discover as we augment up ("nurture") that predominantly forms us and our differences as individuals? Likewise, anthropologists ask how much of our demeanor as an assembly is pre-determined by geography, culture, or history. The investigations progressively indicate what most of us understand from common sense: these differences between us as persons and those between assemblies of persons can be clarified by no lone factor solely, but by the convoluted interaction between them.

Two advances to the nature-culture relationship:

how nature and the nature-culture relationship is conceptualised in different societies;

How natural environment (the natural environment or inborn characteristics of human) affects humanity and culture.

Nature thus exists both as representation of something outside ...
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