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Question 6 - What practices need to be changed when top management chooses a network design?

When management chooses to alter the current organization design to one where a networking option is more viable, there will be some changes made in the functionality of the organization itself. Some of the practices that need to be changed range from the use of technology, and hierarchy in communication. The organizational structure only undergoes changes when there are some aspects of it that do not suit the overall business functions, and in this case, a network association. Whenever there is a need to overcome obstacles in the current structural design of organizations, it usually has to do with the lack of advancement in technology. With rapidly changing trends in information technology, it is imperative that organizations stay one step ahead of the curve, especially since competition is so fierce.

. Regarding business ethics, the value of trust and devotion to the job becomes vital to the achievement of success of an organization, especially given the extremely competitive and fast paced business front that has taken over the global market itself. High performance culture means the people would need to be highly motivated and satisfied with their work environment. Being too content would mean that one loses sight of their goals, or stops setting them as they believe they have reached their potential. This in itself may be very encouraging but it is important to inspire people thus that they aim to reach beyond their potential.

Question 7 - Provide two examples of how organizational culture is expressed at your organization

At my organization, culture and hierarchy is given its due importance and is expressed in every task as much as it can be possible. One of the factors that are quite important in my organization is the factor of engagement. Hierarchy is not considered a weakness in communication, but is rather used as a form of engagement in expressing the significance of culture. In the competitive world of today, understanding the need for a commitment and the ethical duties needed for leadership is essential. It is also vital that leaders try their utmost to shorten the gap between them and their followers, as this is something that has been observed by many organizations in recent years. In my organization, organizational goals as well as individual goals are monitored, documented and updated regularly by the employer ...
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