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1. Given your understanding of the role of a business professor, which aspects of that role appeal to you most?

The business professors have the vital role in the lives students but since a last decade, the great fall of business professors has been noticed. Hence, it has been observed that the requirement of new or fresh doctorates is considerably below the available positions in the field of business. This is primarily caused due to three key factors such as the foremost important factor is that many senior faculty are retiring or they are heading toward getting retired secondly, a significant escalating trend in students seeking degrees in the business has been observed, and lastly, there found to be an inadequate number of doctorate students who join and register in the doctoral programs and even very less number of students are reluctant to complete their doctoral business programs [1]. Most reasons for change in educational frameworks have been ascribed to environmental changes. As one of the main pillars of the rapidly evolving business community, business education is currently faced with pressures for yet more transformation [2].

A college professor has the vast part to play in the business where he essentially divides his time among myriad activities to deliver his best skills and knowledge to his students such as teaching in the classroom while conducting the research at the same time on various projects, writing the research papers and then publishing them, and also actively teaching the online courses to provide maximum benefits to the students around him. The professor might be either an associate or a tenured employee. Tenured professors spend more time conducting research for publication [3]. Business professors are expected to keep current in their field, may serve on academic committees and typically teach courses in one area of concentration, such as marketing or accounting.

Accreditation is considered to be a significant selection factor which is done to measure the quality of the programs and the faculty members. However, for this purpose, the knowledgeable peers from other institutions indicate and determine the quality of the school in such a way that a school's programs meet accreditation standards for instance the composition of the faculty and the available content in the curriculum. The schools are also entitled and accountable to provide the additional compension for extra activities that have been under taken by the faculty members that may include, research activities, summer programs, consulting activities, text book writing, teaching programs for executives, and sponsored presentations etc. In this way the business faculty enjoys very healthy incomes [4]. This requires adapting the course material to work with an online delivery method, communicating through e-mail, and receiving, grading and returning required assignments through the course's Internet platform. Some business schools deliver 100 percent of their courses online.2. Which aspects appeal to you the least?

It is evident that the college and university professors enjoy myriad benefits pertinent to many work as well as lifestyle privileges that are not usually provided or facilitated ...
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