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Q1: Describe your most outstanding non-academic achievement highlighting your approach to any significant difficulties faced in meeting your objective?

Ans: Experience is the best teacher of all and all of us tend to go through good or bad experience. There are numerous instances where, I was proud to achieve my non-academic goals. But one of the most unforgetteble moments was the time when got myself selected for one of the famous organizations in America. Applying for job is easy but the waiting time one has to experience and go through is really tough. After completing my education as a software engineer, I started looking out for suitable jobs that fit my caliber. That practice went on for seven long years. I was overjoyed when I received a call from the firm's headquarter informing me of my appointment. I have always had nightmarish experiences as far as job searching is concerned. I remember a time, when I used to travel long distances, waiting in queues for my return. That whole expererience got me so much frustrated that I decided to quit my job search.

But, for once and for the last time, I backed myself up and decided to have a last go at the job search. Getting a positive reply from the firm after such a struggling period of seven years was as good a feeling as any thing but I knew at that moment that my struggle had paid off. What I did was simple: I stuck to my task and eventually got the reward at such an unexpected time that it was hard to believe for me the fact that there are still opportunities creeping up for the talented individuals and they need to catch hold of the opportunity with both hands.

Q2: Describe a challenging occasion which required your persuasive ...
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