Question Paper

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Question Paper

Question Paper

Primary questions addressed in the article

The primary question that is addressed in this article is whether the attachment style of a client to his therapist envisaged the perceptions of transference of therapists in their therapies. Additionally, it was evaluated how mindful memories of experience of parent's care giving in childhood of the client were linked to their attachment to the therapists (Woodhouse, 2003).

Synopsis of the article

This paper evaluated the relations between therapists' perceptions of transference and attachment of patients to the therapists. It also evaluated the relationship between remembrance of childhood care giving and client attachment. The article found out that the way a child receives care giving by his parents in his infancy has long lasting effects on his personality. If he did not receive a positive care giving attitude during his infancy, then he gets the feeling of insecurity with his therapist.

General conclusion of the article

Attachment to caregivers of a person in his infancy has an influence on later attachments when he becomes an adult. This is due to the fact that children internalize their experiences of infancy attachment and create internal mental representatives or working models of other people as dependable of offering sensitive receptiveness or not and of themselves as worthy of care or not. There was not any relationship observed between amount of transference and level of attachment style that is avoidant-fearful with the psychotherapist. However, preoccupied and secure merger attachment was positively related to amount of transference as well as negative transference. Additionally, timid attachment to the psychotherapist was linked with greater negative memory of parental care giving (Woodhouse, 2003).

Clients may be capable of creating attachments that are secure in nature to their therapist who has recollections of different kinds of experiences of parental care giving. Besides that, secure attachment to ...
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