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Question and Answers

I. Mexico's Far Northern Frontier

Answer 01

The main characteristics of Mexico's far northern Frontier

The economy of the Northern Border of Mexico is in a time of slowdown economy, where it requires rethinking the question of the role of the federal government and states, the sustainable economic development, its function and form of intervention on to foster economic development and long-term economic growth.

The federal government has lost its ability to develop, due to lack of structural economic reforms necessary for the country, so that the role of states is the vital importance to define policies for sustainable economic development, balanced, and a diversified economic base and local levels.

The development strategy and consider economic development priorities of the northern border

Answer 02

The problems between the Mexican government and American settlers in Texas began with the enactment of the centralist constitution of 1835, known as the Seven Laws. This new legislation enacted by the President of Mexico Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna left without effect the old federal constitution of 1824. Shortly afterwards, there were statements in several other regions of the Federal Republic. The war began in Texas on October 2, 1835, with the battle of Gonzales, promptly took the Texan forces Bay and San Antonio Bexar (modern city of San Antonio), although a few months later would be defeated. Instead, masked settlers practices perpetual slavery by contract that made them sign the black slaves in the United States of America. One of the measures that show the intentions of the Mexican government against slavery was made prohibit and prevent the extradition of fugitive slaves, also, the fact prohibit and declare the invalidity of such contracts.

Answer 03

With Santa Anna a prisoner, his captors forced him to sign the Treaty of Velasco on 14 May . The treaty recognized the independence of Texas, in exchange for respect for the life of Santa Anna . Meanwhile, in "Mexico , the government of Santa Anna had been challenged, and thus, allowed to recognize also the Treaties of Velasco and the authority of Santa Anna as representative of "Mexico .

ii. The Mexican- American War of 1846-1848

Answer 01

General Jose Urrea marched into Texas from Heroic Matamoros, following the due north, skirting the shores of the Gulf of Mexico, to block any aid to arrive by sea, and opening the door to the Mexican Navy Mexican army of endowing the much needed supplies. The troops under the command of Urrea clashed with rebels in the Battle of Agua Dulce, March 2, 1836, a prelude to the battle of Goliad. In that place on the Texas coast, the Mexicans captured Colonel James Fannin with troop of 400 men. All executed on orders of Santa Anna. General Urrea was never defeated in any confrontation with the Texan forces.

Answer 02

Mexico's only hope was that the deterioration of relations between Britain and the United States into a war. It vanished in mid-1846 with the signing of a treaty between Britain and the United ...
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