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Question and Answer

Question and Answer


Question 1:

The Scottish Parliament has adopted legislation in 2009 to commit the country to a low-carbon energy path by sourcing 50% of electricity consumed in 2020 from renewable sources.

What do you think are the main barriers to the development of renewable electricity?

What could the government do to achieve the above target?

What could be the economic implications of such a policy?


British parliaments are looking almost at the pledge of renewable sources. The Renewable Energy Centre (2008) states that the UK has more employed breeze power than any other European homeland (REC, 2008) and outlooks that large scale breeze turbine ranches will become a foremost supplier of electric power in the next 20 years (REC, 2008). Wind power has been found out to be highly flourishing in Scotland, and is the most well admired of the renewable power technologies at present. There are some power places actually in method, including the Hadyard Hill breeze ranch, which is the first in the UK to evolve more than 100 MW. However, large scale breeze turbines are exceedingly large organisations, which need very large capital investments and long time span of conceiving acceptance (REC 2008). They are amply acknowledged as having very little aesthetic request, and are often said to 'ruin' the rural areas, thus the need for very very careful sitting. 

       Hydroelectric power, as the REC states, has been renowned since very vintage times and is rather clean in time span of contamination, while there may be hurtful environmental penalties from the inundating of large localities of land. A newest study in Brazil, for demonstration, found out that fish in hydroelectric dam reservoirs were construction up unsafely high degrees of mercury because of the change in flow patterns and nourishment chains.

    Wave power is really the subject of comprehensive study and development in Scotland. There are varied types of pointer know-how extant, including shore-based oscillating pillars, compression-driven turbines and bobbing buoys, while the REC explains these as still at the concept-proving stage (REC, 2008). Tidal barrages, on the other hand, have arrive to a more complicated stage and the REC shows that the British shoreline has some of the biggest influenced by rushes diversity in the world (REC, 2008). Tidal barrages are dependable, and have the capability to shop and circulate power at peak periods.

As with breeze ranches, whereas, concerns have been expressed about aesthetics and the leverage on localized ecosystems. The BBC (2008), commenting on the proposed Severn Barrage, mentions the environmental, communal and economic penalties (BBC, 2008) of the task, and the RSPB is cited as saying that it would put thousands of birds, salmon and other fish at risk (BBC, 2008). At present there are no large scale influenced by rushes know-how jobs in Scotland, while it is expected that the Pentland Firth may provide a apt position, and there are furthermore localities of the Orkneys which could be exploited.

There are some pointer power designs really under development in Scotland, conceived to ...
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