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God made all the peoples of this locality, numerous and diverse as they are, as open and as blameless as can be imagined. The simplest persons in the world - unassuming, long-suffering, unassertive, and submissive - they are without malice or guile, and are utterly trustworthy and obedient both to their own native lords and to the Spaniards in whose service they now find themselves. Never quarrelsome or belligerent or boisterous, they harbour no grudges and do not search to resolve vintage scores; really, the notions of revenge, rancour, and abhorrence are rather foreign to them. At the identical time, they are amidst the smallest robust of human beings: their dainty constitutions make them incapable to withstand hard work or pain and render them liable to succumb to nearly any sickness, no issue how mild. Even the widespread persons are no harder than princes or than other Europeans born with a shiny spoon in their mouths and who spend their inhabits protected from the rigours of the out-of-doors world.



There are two major ways in which those who have journeyed to this part of the world making up to be Christians have uprooted these inappropriate peoples and swabbed them from the face of the earth. First, they have conducted conflict on them: unjust, fiendish, bloody and tyrannical war. Second, they have killed any individual and every individual who has shown the smallest signal of opposition, or even of desiring to get away the torment to which they have subjected him. This last cited principle has been instrumental in stifling the native managers, and, really, granted that the Spaniards commonly replacement only women and young children, it has directed to the annihilation of all mature individual males, who they habitually subject to the worst and most iniquitous and brutal slavery that ...
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