Question 3: Research

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Question 3: Research

Question 3: Research

Part 1: Peer Reviewed Journals

Journal 1: A National Survey Of Female Police Officers: An Overview Of Findings

In this journal article, both of the authors explain the treatment of the women officers by the male officers and the citizens. The article explains that the number of the female officers is increasing in the recent years. There are numerous individuals who think that women are not capable enough to pursue careers in the law enforcement, however, there are many individuals who encourage the women to enter the law enforcement. For understanding this phenomenon better, the authors conducted a survey in which they questioned about 2000 women officers about their perception regarding the attitudes of the society and their agency towards them. Among those female officers, a large number of them claimed that “they performed most job-related functions as equally good as or better than their male counterparts” and “they were equally as willing or more than willing than males to use intermediate force.” The article also determined the reason of the women for entering this field. The three main reasons which were found by the authors is job excitement, job security and the desire to help people. When asked about harassment at the workplace, the female officers admitted that they have faced and are facing insults and harassments but they have gradually learned to cope with these problems on their own.

Journal 2: Female Police Officers' Job-related Attitudes: A Comparative Study of Taiwan and the United States

This study examined the differences between Taiwanese and American female officers' attitudes toward co-workers, promotion, and citizens. the authors determine how the attitudes of the American and Taiwanese women officers are different form one another. The findings of the study showed that there was a difference of attitude of both regarding the citizens, promotions and the coworkers. The most difference was felt in the officers' attitude towards the citizens. American female officers are less critical towards the citizens as compared to the Taiwanese female officers. Taiwanese female officers are more inclined to make friends at work as compared to the Americans but are not willing to share any information with their fellow workers. An interesting find of the journal article was Taiwanese female officers considered promotions a significant issue of their career as compared to the American female officers.

Journal 3: A Cross-National Analysis of Female Police Officers' Attitudes in the United States and Taiwan

This journal article is also a study about the difference of attitudes of the female officers of America and Taiwanese towards their work and role as a police officer. The authors indicate that the difference in the attitude is mostly influenced by the organizational, political, cultural and social context within which these police officials work. The results indicate that Taiwanese policewomen display occupational attitudes that distinguish them from their U.S. counterparts. Specifically, Taiwanese female officers are more likely than the U.S. female officers to have a broad role orientation, favor aggressive patrol, be resentful of legal restrictions, and ...
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